Social Question

Aster's avatar

How unusual is this cat's behavior ?

Asked by Aster (20023points) August 15th, 2019

My friend I’ve mentioned in Independent Living has a four month old Siamese. Someone gave her a scratching post but she wants nothing to do with it. She does, however, enjoy biting my friend’s feet which does hurt somewhat. Has anyone heard of a cat like Lilly?

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7 Answers

Zaku's avatar

LOL, yes!

All bets are off with four-month-old cats. At least you can tell her that probably the cat will calm down as it gets older.

Many cats ignore scratching posts and/or any human suggestions use of an object.

Attacking feet is fairly popular too, even for some older cats.

Offering other play prey may be helpful, and/or wearing more on the feet for a while.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Add catnip, to the post.

longgone's avatar

Completely, utterly, amazingly normal.

Try more interactive toys such as a wand with a dangling toy on one end.

Aster's avatar

@longgone she already has the wand w/dangling toy and Lilly likes it. I bought her six tiny toy mice with catnip inside. Have not given them to her yet.

tinyfaery's avatar

It’s normal.

She could try a horizontal scratching board. Link

The biting should be discouraged because that is not a behavior that you want in an adult cat.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They love laser pointers too. Just, obviously, don’t put it in the cat’s eyes…

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s likely just a phase your cat’s going through. Not much you can do about it.

Our 10 year old male cat has suddenly decided that knocking over his water bowl is cool. He walks over to his bowl, places his paw on the edge of his bowl and pushes down. Water goes all over the floor. Then he then drinks the residual water in the bowl while standing in the water puddle. I hope that this is just a phase. HA!

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