General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Why do they nail the coffin lid shut?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) August 29th, 2008 from iPhone

Is it so the corpse can’t escape?

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68 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Just in case the coffin is dropped by a pallbearer…can you imagine if “Uncle Henry” came rolling out?

Randy's avatar

To keep the body safe from grave robbers?

gailcalled's avatar

In the Jewish tradition, no longer followed by all Jews, the coffin is pine and contains no metal. Dust to dust.

“Jewish tradition encourages simplicity in burial. A plain wooden coffin (with no metal hardware, again because it is not organic and will not decompose) is appropriate. Tradition discourages fancy or expensive coffins. Following Taharah and dressing in Tachrichim, the casket remains closed.”


Mr_M's avatar

Because a ribbon with a large bow just didn’t look right.

JackAdams's avatar

The coffin is “sealed,” to prevent last-minute atrocities and thefts.

There are stories where someone has quickly lifted the lid, snatched Uncle Joe’s wedding ring from his finger, or had, “one last SPIT” on the corpse.

One very evil woman lifted the lid and place the deceased’s LIVE CAT inside, because she didn’t want it, and her reasoning was, “If he loves it so much, let him have it with HIM!”

Pallbearers heard the kitten crying, as they were carrying the casket to its final resting place.

Watch the original movie, Ocean’s Eleven and pay attention to the surprise ending, to learn why coffins are sealed.

August 29, 2008, 10:21 PM EDT

gailcalled's avatar

And your original source material is what?

JackAdams's avatar

I saw the movie when it was first released in 1960, and I’m a personal friend of Altovise Davis, the widow of Sammy Davis Jr.

August 29, 2008, 10:54 PM EDT

hollym's avatar

So they don’t come back!!! mmmmwahahaha

aidje's avatar

Vampires, duh.

NecroKing's avatar

To stop zombies.

gailcalled's avatar

@AC; you were counting on these answers, I know, ^^ ^^

JackAdams's avatar

HOW do you KNOW that AC was counting on these answers? Can you provide documentation to PROVE that you knew?

Have any links, to illustrate HOW you knew that? Please cite sources, to back up your conclusion, so that we may scrutinize them, fully.

We have no reason to believe you, if you cannot PROVE that you knew.

August 30, 2008, 11:26 AM EDT

NecroKing's avatar

I knew, I’m psychic.

gailcalled's avatar

AC and I are old friends; the tiny fonts tell you something; or should.

JackAdams's avatar

Translation: “I cannot offer you any proof whatsoever, to back up my conclusions, so I guess you will not have to believe them, after all. Sorry!”

August 30, 2008, 11:33 AM EDT

AstroChuck's avatar

JA- Can’t you play nice?

JackAdams's avatar

AC: Did she?

I sometimes “give back” what I get, so the other person learns what it feels like, to be on the receiving end of public insults.

Respectfully to anyone, those who cannot accept such things, should not CREATE those things for others to endure.

I am here ONLY to learn and make a few friends. I am not here to insult others, nor to be publicly insulted by them.

Let those who enjoy doing that find another target, or forever remain under the Bridge.


August 30, 2008, 12:51 PM EDT

ezraglenn's avatar

I think Gail was just wondering, as am I, where that made-up sounding information came from.

You are so unreasonably sour.
and, you do not, understand, proper comma, use.


JackAdams's avatar

Neither do you.

You also lack proper online manners and etiquette, but judging from the PMs I have received regarding you, your boorish behavior isn’t surprising.

I’d appreciate it if you would ignore me in the future, lefteh.

August 30, 2008, 3:03 PM EDT

ezraglenn's avatar

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m not Lefteh. I’d be happy to pass the message on for you, though.

JackAdams's avatar

You’re right; you’re not lefteh. Not at all. You never were. Nope, definitely not. Anything you say, lefteh.

And Truman Capote wasn’t gay.

August 30, 2008, 4:14 PM EDT

ezraglenn's avatar

You will notice I’ve been a member of the collective for almost 2 years, while lefteh has only been here a few months. We also look nothing alike in out pictures. Perhaps the only thing lefteh and I share is that we both dislike you.

ezraglenn's avatar

[but I could see how in your narrow-minded view of the world you might imagine that only one person per online community might have a few bones to pick with you.]

JackAdams's avatar

I hope that you dislike me enough, to stop communicating with me, lefteh.

Thanks [in advance].

August 30, 2008, 5:10 PM EDT

gailcalled's avatar

@Jack:Truman was, indeed, gay.“Capote was 5 feet 3 inches tall[11] and openly homosexual in a time when it was socially acceptable among artists, but rarely talked about. One of his first serious lovers was Smith College literature professor Newton Arvin, who won the National Book Award for his Herman Melville biography.”

Many other sources; Here’s one.

“In the fall of 1948, after a summer in Europe, Truman met Jack Dunphy, a fellow writer who became his lifelong companion. In 1950 they settled in Taormina, Sicily-in a house once inhabited by D.H. Lawrence-and Truman began work on his second novel, The Grass Harp.”

For what it’s worth, I lived in the city from 1965 to 1975 and hung around the fringes of the artists and writers there. Everyone knew who was sleeping with whom.

Jack: You might help your presence here by keeping your questions shorter, not answering them yourself but letting others do that, and if you present information as fact, rather than speculation, documenting it.

AstroChuck's avatar

All this is fun. I’m really enjoying this!

August 30, 2008, 3:47 PM PDT

augustlan's avatar

et tu, AC?

arnbev959's avatar

August 30, 2008, 8:21 PM EST

JackAdams's avatar


August 30, 2008, 8:23 PM EDT

loser's avatar

August 30, 2008, 5:29 PM PDT

arnbev959's avatar

August 30, 2008, 8:33 PM EBT

arnbev959's avatar

August 30, 2008, 8:34 PM EYT

augustlan's avatar

oh, boys…play nice!

loser's avatar


August 30, 2008, 5:37 PM ESP

loser's avatar

August 30, 2008, 5:38 PM THC

arnbev959's avatar

haha! good one!

augustlan's avatar

shakes head in dismay

AstroChuck's avatar

August 32, 2008, 5:72 FM WTF

augustlan's avatar

though I am laughing :)

loser's avatar

August 30, 2008, JOHN 5:51

gailcalled's avatar

(me, too—good one, Loser.)

JackAdams's avatar

Imitation: The highest form of flattery.

Look Ma! I started a trend!

August 30, 2008, 9:23 PM EDT

Randy's avatar

Oh WOW….. (not sure if I should run or just cover my eyes for this part)

JackAdams's avatar

Running would be my recommendation, Randy.

August 31, 2008, 7:55 AM EDT

NecroKing's avatar

Oh a fight I always like to jump in, WRESTLE, FRESH FOOD!

eambos's avatar

August 31, 2008, 11:17 JA is PMS ing

loser's avatar

September 1, 2008, 6:20 PM TLC

AstroChuck's avatar

So. What was the question again?

arnbev959's avatar

My memory is a little foggy, but I think it was something like “What time is it?” but I also remember there being something about dead people. Go figure.

loser's avatar

September 1, 2008, 9:37 HA OMG

gailcalled's avatar

Sept. 2, 2002. 10:57 AM GAG

NecroKing's avatar

What’s with the dates?!

eambos's avatar

Sept 2, 2008. 11:42 NO1 LKS NK

@gail You realize it is 2008, I hope?

gailcalled's avatar

@Necro: a little subtle, very subtle satire…well, just stay observant. You’ll catch on.

(read fast. The ink will disappear soon.)

gailcalled's avatar

@Erik: When did THAT happen? I shut my eyes for one minute and whoosh..

loser's avatar

Gail, you are in great form today, I must say!!!

sarapnsc's avatar

September 10, 2008
11:37 pm est

I’m bored…

gailcalled's avatar

@Sara; Okay, I am reregistering you for Calculus. 7:30 to 10:30 AM, Mon., Wed., Fri)

augustlan's avatar

Are we back here, again?

gailcalled's avatar

No. Sara will be too busy with remedial math.

sarapnsc's avatar

@gailcalled….rofl…........know please don’t….I will be good!

augustlan's avatar

Perhaps some spelling lessons, too. ;)
know = no

AstroChuck's avatar

Know, eye dew knot think sew.

loser's avatar

I just wanted to be the 65th response!

September 11, 2008, 1:05 PDT

Hmm's avatar

It’s nailed shut so if zombies existed they couldn’t escape and eat your face.

PIXEL's avatar

@Hmm HAHA Good one. That made me laugh

casheroo's avatar

I think it’s to prevent people from doing this:

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