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rebbel's avatar

What has been your biggest change in your life?

Asked by rebbel (35552points) December 18th, 2019

Did it turn out to be for the better?
Did you have to build up courage/strength to pursue it?
What would be one important advice you would want to give from personal experience to people who are in front of a major change/step, but are not yet completely there (due to whatever reason)?

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7 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Deaths of family and friends- I miss them but I can’t do anything about that.
Starting a business- Interesting and not easy but I like what I do
Marriage- He married the hell out of me and I am happy <3
Medical adventures- Type 1 diabetes at 25 years old. Big adjustment but all is well.It makes one appreciate the little things and that is never bad.
MS ten years ago- That offers surprise challenges from time to time.I have no choice but to deal with it and I do.I can’t carry my husband on my back anymore but I am alright with that. XD actually I kind of wish I could still do that, but whatever
I’ve also learned a lot more about people I thought I knew well.
I am a strong person but then I don’t have much of a choice in some matters so I just deal with it as most people would.
It doesn’t serve me to bitch and ruminate on things I can’t do anything about.
As for changes like a big move for instance, I’d be looking at that as an adventure.Get your ducks in a row to make things go smoothly.
I try not to let fear run things for me. So far, so good.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ve had 2 big changes.

1. I got sober. I was an active alcoholic for about 16 years. Getting sober has greatly improved my quality of life.

2. Coming out of the closet. Living authentically as a gay man has given me a great deal of happiness. It is much better than living a lie.

ucme's avatar

Becoming a dad!
Nothing comes close to that change for me, without doubt the proudest & best two experiences of my life.

I got a kinda heads up because my wife had two kids from a previous marriage, they were seven & nine at the time we became serious about our relationship.
So I took them on along with her, the full package!

That was invaluable experience as four years later & then three further, we had our own kids.
My wife had to reverse a procedure in order for us to become a complete family & so no two kids could have been planned more.

As always when it comes to talking about my wife & kids, I wind up rambling on lol but hey…they’re my world man!

chyna's avatar

A boyfriend committed suicide when I was 25 and I found him.
My advice is to not let a horrible point in your life define and control you.
I have been close to death twice in the past two years. I hope these two events have made me appreciate life more.

Sagacious's avatar

Loss of a child.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Failing out of university. Got taken a few pegs down. Finally recovering after 20 years of grief.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you all for your frank answers!
It helped me adjust my focus on what I feel is needed.

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