General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Do you know how to reach a real person at Classmates [dot] com?

Asked by Jeruba (55870points) February 21st, 2021

I’ve signed into my own (free) account and searched all over their pages, as far as I could, to try to find someone who could help me shut off automatic billing to my late husband’s account.

I don’t even know which account he used to pay for it, but everything comes through the main one, and I can’t close that for now.

I’m trying to get rid of all the random charges for things he won’t be using. It’s not easy.

Thank you.

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24 Answers

janbb's avatar

Doesn’t this help you:

“If you need assistance canceling your paid membership, please email our Member Care Team or call us at 206–301-5900, Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific Time.”

flutherother's avatar

It also explains how to do it yourself here

janbb's avatar

@flutherother I looked at that but that won’t help because she doesn’t have his account log-in and password. She needs to cancel his paid account.

flutherother's avatar

OK, I see. Might need to call then,

janbb's avatar

(Isn’t the internet wonderful? A fish and a penguin are having an intelligent discussion on it.)

flutherother's avatar

And no chance of one of us being eaten by the other.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What a naive fish!

Jeruba's avatar

@janbb, thank you, thank you! I failed to find that, with all my searching.

@flutherother too.

(I love fish and penguins, naive and otherwise. And, um, Winston Churchill?)

janbb's avatar

I’ve always thought of Stan as maybe the banker from Monopoly or something?

@Jeruba And they even made it conveniently in your time zone!

Jeruba's avatar

Oh…that isn’t an umbrella. It’s…a rocket? I’m puzzled now.

I will call tomorrow. Thanks. One more semi-nutty thing off my to-do list.

janbb's avatar

^^ I thought it was an umbrella too. Curious and curiouser.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, I figured out why I couldn’t find the information you got. It must be available only in the paid account, which he had but I don’t. I was never going to find a page telling me how to cancel something I don’t have.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Don’t get me wrong. I too love fish. After all, they’re delicious! And as my attire indicates, I am clearly a fan of the aptenodytes who share my “appetite” for the “companionship” of the fish. But when you think about it, the world is a curious (and wonderful?) place with the fish cuddling up to the penguin while the bird and myself adorn ourselves in the fashion of the single creature obsessed with devouring us all!

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba No, that was available right from their home page. I don’t have any account and found it under help just by going to the site.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba Maybe when you went into your free account, it doesn’t have the same help under “Help” if you couldn’t find it.

Jeruba's avatar

@stanleybmanly, what are you carrying under your arm?

janbb's avatar

And,Stan, who is that guy? He also reminds me of Wimpy from Popeye; the guy who would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Jeruba's avatar

Ok, I did it: reached them by phone and got them to help me, even though their recorded message said they would talk only to the account holder. Even the banks and credit cards haven’t given that sort of attitude.

Many thanks for the practical assistance, @janbb, and the moral support and entertainment, @flutherother and @stanleybmanly. I’m grateful for every helper.

I hate making phone calls like this. Actually, I hate making phone calls, period. No end in sight yet.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba I hate making phone calls like that to and you are burdened with a lot of them right now for sure. Glad you got through to someone.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jeruba It’s a bomb, complete with fins for dropping from a plane. In real life a bomb that size would weigh a good hundred pounds.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@janbb The “guy” is the stylized insignia of the 11th bomb squadron from the First World War. There have since been several variations of it adopted by other bomb groups, including units of the air force to the present day. But this is the best of the bunch. I wish I could blow the image up for better detail here, but haven’t a clue on how to achieve it.

Jeruba's avatar

Well, then: link.

And many more variants, just from searching on images for “insignia of the 11th bomb squadron from the First World War.”

I’ve got my question answered, so I don’t care about thread drift. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jeruba Thanks. The image of my version is more pompous than those in your great link. Back in my 20s when I first came across it, I was struck by the unintended (and almost certainly unrecognized) truth of that image. That guy with his bomb is on his way to the bank. What appears to be a bomb is in fact profit in disguise. It is also a fairly stark illustration of just which class benefits from the arms industry and war in general. Notice that this guy isn’t exactly dressed as though he will be flying those bombing missions.

Jeruba's avatar

@stanleybmanly, very glad to know you didn’t choose it because you’d like to be dropping bombs.

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