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klaas4's avatar

Why doesn't my bluetooth adapter work on Vista?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) August 5th, 2007

Hello, I've bought a Belkin Bluetooth Dongle (F8T012) and downloaded the Vista drivers on their support site, but the drivers won't install. I'm running Vista Ultimate. When I start the install, i get a screen saying: "Device not found", but it is attached to my computer! Can anyone help?

Greetings Davey

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3 Answers

apb3's avatar

Is it attached to a usb port capable of feeding it (dongle) enough power? Sometimes the ports on keyboards or non-powered hubs do not provide enough juice. My macs always give a warning to that effect, but I've not used vista so not sure if itdoes as well.

klaas4's avatar

No, it's in my computer, but I solved it. I had to remove the microsoft drivers from device manager, and install the drivers from broadcom, then install them from belkin to get the manager. Still, thanks.

susan1's avatar

My laptop with Windows Vista just will not take photos from my phone or anything, not via bluetooth or infrared – I have downloaded programmes in an effort to solve this, my son has also downloaded programmes to help me and still it doesnt work – My bluetooth is Belkin. and my phone is only 2 hrs old Sony. I really hate this Vista. I tried numerous times – and actually did once manage to transfer one pic to laptop via phone, this was an internet pic which I had downloaded from previous pc to my phone. What else can I try ?????

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