Social Question

KRD's avatar

If Russia was going to launch a nuke how would you sabotage it?

Asked by KRD (5264points) April 3rd, 2022

Lets say the nuke is launching in 10 days, you and a sabotage team are thinking of two ways to fix it.
there are three options:
A: Make it a fail nuke and it blows up before going in the air.
B: Make it stop altogether.
C: Make it hit somewhere in Russia.

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9 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That’s not how it works, you to intercept in flight.

Read up on it here !

Zaku's avatar

Assuming I did have a sabotage team who could do that, I would prefer it to either fail altogether, or perhaps a high air burst over Russia, because the EMP effect could cause a vast amount of electronics burn-out over a very large area.

kritiper's avatar

Program it to land on Moscow.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d do something to make the first stage fail dramatically near the max dynamic pressure point.
Guidance, structure, propulsion, control,... all would be subtlety modified.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What’s the goal?

Do you want to explode, but not in the US?

\Or do you want it not to explode in the first place?

There would be different approaches for each goal.

flutherother's avatar

Drop a non nuclear high precision bomb on it. If it is being launched from a submarine it would be almost impossible.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Cue James Bond music.
I’d wear a nifty dark Seals outfit and approach via water. Then hug the shadows with my night vision to avoid the timed patrols. As I find an obvious breach and crawl inside the highly secured area easily, my super spy partner opens all doors and turns off alarms in my path. All the while directing me via my earpiece.
As I finally approach the nuc, I manage to hide from an unexpected discovery, only to drop my screwdriver. Luckily I manage to grab it at the last climactic second. Disarming the device and removing the core, to be used by my organization for the greater good.
For the ride home on a super secret Navy boat, I change into a rather lovely outfit and drink a martini. Shaken not stirred.

So B.

RocketGuy's avatar

@LuckyGuy: hack in a negative sign to the +Z value in the guidance system. That will make it head downwards instead of upwards. There was a Proton launch where they installed the sensors upside down – same effect.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Hack the computer system to make it fail and auto explode on launch pad.

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