Meta Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Does anyone want to join me in congratulating Marina on being the first flutherer to obtain 10000 lurve points?

Asked by AstroChuck (37640points) September 17th, 2008 from iPhone

She’s shot up so quickly since joining. It’s a testament to how valuable her answers have been to so many. Congratulations, Marina!

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70 Answers

Nimis's avatar

Extends a tentacle.

tinyfaery's avatar

Yay Marina. You are obviously a valued member of the community. Consider the lurve our way of saying YOU ROCK!

eambos's avatar

May you live all of your years full of lurve!

trudacia's avatar

Impressive! Congrats!

stratman37's avatar

Marina, you must feel very lurved!

Harp's avatar

What new summits have you set your sights on, Big M?

cooksalot's avatar

WTG! marina.

Mtl_zack's avatar

C-O-N-G-R-A-D-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!!!! good job. you are a really great help.

ciripet's avatar

good work marina, all my lurve i give to (too) you

marinelife's avatar

Any lurve I have received is all due to my fellow Flutherers. It is you that I thank for great times, great questions, great insights, great laughs, great reminders of our common humanity, and for being great people (and great jellies).

iwamoto's avatar


congrats though !

Comedian's avatar

Holy jumpn

marinelife's avatar

JP will be here very soon as will the incomparable gailcalled.

blastfamy's avatar

Congrats, thanks for all of your valuable insight!!

Comedian's avatar

And hopefully me…in like 3 years lol

loser's avatar

Wow!!! Congrats!!!

kevbo's avatar


Theotherkid's avatar

Awesome! Good Job!

PupnTaco's avatar

That’s gotta count for something, kudos!

marinelife's avatar

AC, thank you for your gracious words.

SuperMouse's avatar


autumn43's avatar

Congratulations, Marina!

MarcIsMyHero's avatar

wow. An inspiring accomplishment. There should be a jelly hall of fame nomination.

marinelife's avatar

@iwamoto My first impulse when I read your answer was to punch myself in the you know, but I don’t have one! Darn.

aanuszek1's avatar

I agree. Ben and Andrew should bake you a Jelly Cake!

marissa's avatar

Congratulations Marina!!!

whatthefluther's avatar

Marina…Congratulations on one hell of a 10K run…a very impressive achievement. Your posts are always thoughtful, helpful, thorough, and complete with informative and interesting references and links..You set an outstanding example for all your fellow flutherers. Best regards…wtf

jca's avatar

wonderful! much congrats to you. and many more.

marinelife's avatar

@WTF Thank you. I blush. You are too kind. I treasure that coming from someone as bright, caring and fun as you are.

MacBean's avatar


Though, I have to say, I’m totally unsurprised that Marina hit this benchmark first. When I first joined Fluther, she was the first person whose answers consistently impressed me and made me interested in sticking around. Even when I disagreed with what she was saying, I loved how she said it.

robmandu's avatar

Was kinda surprised that the counter didn’t zero out, like an old car odometer.

Kick ass, @Marina!

MrMontpetit's avatar

Marina, that is truly amazing. That’s how you know you are a great contributor to the Fluther collective.

marinelife's avatar

@robmandu Thanks. Great idea on lurve as mileage that goes to zero. I think you should post that on JackAdams Fluther thread!

cookieman's avatar

Go Marina!

I know your answers have inspired me.
Fluther on fearless Flutherette.

marinelife's avatar

@cprevite Thanks. I always love an alliterator!

sndfreQ's avatar

I nominate Marina to be the next Fluther interviewee (when was the last time they did it?! shilolo?...been awhile).

IAC congrats Marina-a respected and compassionate jelly indeed :)

shrubbery's avatar

I think we should have a party. I really do. Imagine all the Jellies together in person…
Well done Marina, great effort. Love your answers :)

srtlhill's avatar

Marina, your insightful careing answers speaks volumes about your character. I wish I could have known you when I was
Younger some the terrible deciesions I had made could possible had been reveresed.
My main point is Marina you are a very special person with the ability to connect with others and share knowledge with them. Marina you are a hugh assest to your family friends and to people on the street. Sincerlly thank you and I’m hoping that just one day I would give you assitance and keep the circle of life going.
You personally have made me a more thoughtful understanding and level headed. Person. Thanx Thanx Thanx. You are the best. Your family is lucky to have you.

marinelife's avatar

@sndfrq Thanks and the respect is mutual. My Luddite just kicked in though. What is IAC in 21st-century speak?

@shrub Thanks. As you know, I am a big fan of yours too. I am a party animal. Tell me where and when.

@srthill Thank you.

aanuszek1's avatar

@Marina: In Any Case

shrubbery's avatar

Well…. it might have to be in a few months so everyone can save up for flights… what’s the party capital of the world? Or should we all just crash your house :P or Ben or Andrew’s!

marinelife's avatar

Thank you, aanuszek1. My vocabulary keeps growing.

aanuszek1's avatar

@Marina: No Problem, I actually had to look that one up just to be sure :P

sarapnsc's avatar

CONGRATS, wishing you another 10,000 more to come!

marinelife's avatar

@MacBean Thank you very much. That was very nice.

Comedian's avatar

omg marina I logged on like an hour or two ago from my mom’s phone and you had 10001. you get lurve hella fast!

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

I am not surprised, you deserve every point. Your answers have always been carefully crafted and insightful. Lurve you!

Comedian's avatar

it’s crazy!

AstroChuck's avatar

Think of how much she would have without the lurve restrictions. I kept a watch on her lurve count all day and was hoping to be the one that put her over the top. But, alas, I had reached my lurve limit for Marina long ago. That’s one thing about fluther that I would like to see changed.

Comedian's avatar

there are restrictions? if you have 6645 how can she have 10105?

cak's avatar

Marina, I’ve read some of your responses and you deserve it all and more! Congratulations!!

marinelife's avatar

@AC Can you explain how that works exactly? I discovered that when gailcalled was really hot one day, and I was GAing her like crazy, but they stopped registering.

marinelife's avatar

@cak Thank you. I think your voice is a wonderful addition to the community. I enjoy your answers very much.

cak's avatar

blushing! thanks you very much!

AstroChuck's avatar

You reach a point where you can no longer points to someone you’ve given a lot of lurve to.. I don’t know exactly how many you can give to a person before it stops but someone here is likely to know the exact amount.

Comedian's avatar

so like, your limited or that person is limited to how much love one person gives them? because that seems weird

AstroChuck's avatar

It’s meant to discourage the practice of unfairly building up someone’s lurve.

ezraglenn's avatar

@AC: The limit one user can give to any other user in their entire fluther career is [currently] 250. Unfortunately I have hit that for several great users, who deserve so much more lurve than I’ve been able to give them.

@Everyone, i think we should go beyond a party- see the question I am about to ask.

augustlan's avatar

Congrats, Marina on your well deserved accomplishment!

wildflower's avatar

Wowsers! Congrats on being a shining example of what commitment and contribution is all about :)

jlm11f's avatar

Just saw this thread i know i know, i am a tad behind as usual but CONGRATULATIONS to you Marina! 10K, wow, that’s a big lurve score to live up to. no pressure there. Well deserved of course :)

nikipedia's avatar

Congrats, Auntie M :)

flameboi's avatar

great Marina!!! it would be great if you could cash your lurve :)

Skyrail's avatar

Haha, absolutely mad, but awesome. Keep up the awesome answers, you, like many others, are valued here in the community and you sure do have insightful input into a multitude of topics. May this community last a long time :)

Comedian's avatar


asmonet's avatar

I’m new but your name is everywhere, and in a good way. Congrats!

janbb's avatar

It’s amazing how consistently @marinelife has stayed ahead of the game. Way to go, Girlie and straight on ‘til 60K!

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