General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Are there still pay phones in Grand Central Station?

Asked by Jeruba (55867points) May 2nd, 2023

How about any other major terminal or any airport?

How about libraries and shopping malls? How about hotel lobbies?

Do you see any pay phones anywhere you go?

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11 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Technically, it’s Grand Central Terminal (GCT)

Last I read there are no more pay phones in GCT and there are less than ten left in NYC.

I’m not sure about airports. I haven’t paid attention when I was in one this past year.

There were still pay phones in some national parks, I assume they are maintaining at least some of them if cell service doesn’t work in remote areas.

I see courtesy phones in hotels. Possibly, local calls are free on them, I haven’t tried that. The hotel rooms have telephones also.

janbb's avatar

I haven’t seen a pay phone anywhere in years.

JLeslie's avatar

Found this:

The number of payphones peaked at 2.6 million in 1995. By 2018, that number dropped to about 100,000. Even with the continued decline in payphones, there are still more payphones in the country than McDonalds or public libraries. (And if you’re curious where those payphones are, you can use this directory to find—or call—them.)


cookieman's avatar

I was just in and around Grand Central last month and did not see any.

Here, in Boston, I have not seen any at any of T stops, including North and South Station in a long time.

In Somerville, about ten years ago, all of the remaining, not in use, pay phones were turned into art installations.

They’re a bit out of favor. Something about cell phones.

chyna's avatar

There is one at my neighborhood convenience store. I don’t know whether it works or not. Of course there isn’t a phone book attached. Those were all stolen or damaged years ago. Other than that, I haven’t seen any.

zenvelo's avatar

There are pay phones in the BAT stations in the San Francisco Bay Area. I saw them just last week.

I saw some at O’Hare airport in Chicago this past weekend.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo I looked it up and it doesn’t look like the phones in the BART are true pay phones but emergency phones to call BART personnel. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what it read like.

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb Those are BART internal phones, but there are separate pay phones outside the paid area of the station.

janbb's avatar

^^Got it. Thanks.

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