General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Why do we guys get sleepy after sex?

Asked by AstroChuck (37657points) September 23rd, 2008 from iPhone

I understand that it can tire one out, but that shouldn’t make you drowsy. If anything, you should both ramped up and fatigued. Plus it doesn’t seem to make the woman as sleepy.

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48 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Sometimes I doze off, but it’s more about the holding and cuddling than a necessity. Sometimes I feel quite energized.

Perhaps it’s because you gave and we received. ;)

Oh, did you want the scientific answer? A little chemical called prolactin (I know you’re going to ask so you get four times more of it after an intercourse orgasm than a solo act).

JackAdams's avatar

Women know how to exhaust and drain men, a lot better than men know how to exhaust and drain them!

Bri_L's avatar

wait, am I to understand you guys get sleepy after sex? That a woman tires you out? I need a little help here I am confused. ;-)

jamzzy's avatar

the real question is why do i have to pee sooo bad after sex.

marinelife's avatar

@Bri_L Be gentle. AC is sensitive about his age, um I mean maturity.

@jamzzy Go beforehand and you “eliminate” that problem. Also, avoid giant sodas beforehand.

Bri_L's avatar

I think it depends on the session, and when and where it happens.

scamp's avatar

My SO is weird… he gets energized by sex!

JackAdams's avatar

Women want men to get exhausted and fall asleep after sex, and the reason is very simple:

Exhausting us into slumber is done, so after we are out cold, they can reach into our pants, remove our wallet, swipe our credit cards and cash, then go shopping while we are unconscious, buy a whole bunch of things for themselves, then come back home, replace the credit cards in our wallets, crawl back into bed with us, and pretend that they were never gone.

It’s a conspiracy. Mothers teach it to their daughters.

(Watch a female moderator remove this post.)

AstroChuck's avatar

Bri L- Perhaps you just aren’t doing it right.

Marina- You are awesome (I know that’s an overused word but it applies)! How are you so quick with these links? I think that pretty much answers everything except why Bri L doesn’t have vigorous enough sex.

SuperMouse's avatar

I think it is an evolutionary thing, men do their thing, pass along their seed, and get to feel all Alpha Male. They can relax, secure in their masculinity and fall into a deep and refreshing sleep. Either that or Jack’s answer.

Bri_L's avatar

AstroChuck – hehe. Good one

So with your way, the woman sleeps while you have sex, then you sleep after? That must be the right way. I see.

Actually, I never feel sleepy. I ALWAYS crave food. Always. I want snacks.

Nimis's avatar

Not sure of the reason why, but I’m sure Delilah was banking on it.

stratman37's avatar

I’m usually hungry afterwards.

JackAdams's avatar

Never have sex with a Chinese girl, because an hour later, you’re horny again.

scamp's avatar

ha ha!! Jack’s back!

stratman37's avatar

See, Jack? They LOVE you! Now about those pesky moderators….

Bri_L's avatar

Yes! good one Jack.

Boy I came back to the thread and the messages were all out of line. Speaking of out of line

@AstroChuck – You have no idea what kind of sex I have. Neither do I for that matter. I can’t even remember. sniff sniff. It’s been to long. It’s been a desert a camel couldn’t cross.

I am glad guys fall asleep after sex. Then every morning I can at least pretend.

DandyDear711's avatar

It is joke played by Mother Nature…

MissAnthrope's avatar

Men tend to expend more energy during sex than women do, combined with the release of prolactin, as Marina mentioned.

JackAdams's avatar

Men do all the “work.”

Women just lay there and smile a sexy smile, and praise our performance, of course…

MissAnthrope's avatar

Not always.. what about the female superior position, hrmmm?

stratman37's avatar

Jack, lookout! You’ve opened up a can of worms there, my friend.

JackAdams's avatar

My intention…

SuperMouse's avatar

Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. Men do all the work? Come now, you must be joking. It takes a lady to get a man revved up. Without women, men are sadly, how do I put this delicately, soft.

Revved has to v’s. Who knew?

stratman37's avatar

She’s got you there, Jack!

JackAdams's avatar

I had one gal tell me that “foreplay” to her, was, “A 2-hour shopping spree at Macy’s!”

stratman37's avatar

Alabama foreplay: “Git in the truck, Bitch!”

SuperMouse's avatar

Mr. Adams, are you feeling a bit ornery tonight?

stratman37's avatar

Super, have you ever know Jack to NOT be ornery?

JackAdams's avatar

No, just lonely…

Not too many Earth girls want to have sex with dudes from other planets.

Superman knows what I mean…

marinelife's avatar

But, JA, what about this?

JackAdams's avatar

[heavy sigh] Hollywood make-believe.

Sort of like Woody Allen’s first marriage…

ninjaxmarc's avatar

after the splurge, I feel relaxed and often sleep. I take a power nap and go with round2. And repeat as necessary.

Bri_L's avatar

all a woman has to do to get a man revved up is say the word sex. That is not that tiring.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Stratman, excellent point!

@Bri, your answer made me laugh out loud! Your’s too is an excellent point!

Bri_L's avatar

hehe. That always did it for me.

chyna's avatar

I have never understood how two minutes of “work” make men so tired.

Bri_L's avatar

@ chyna – Good one!!!

jeffbrown28's avatar

I usually don’t get tired my wife has a high sex drive so I need to be ready to do it again,and again,and again…thanx chuck ;)

AstroChuck's avatar

You’re welcome.
I guess.

poofandmook's avatar

isn’t prolactin the same thing that causes menstrual cramps?

andrew's avatar

[admin says]: Remember that part of the guidelines that discourages off-topic chatter?

Imagine you’re a google user surfing in after typing “sleepy after sex”. You find a few answers, and then a whole lot of chit-chat that doesn’t make sense. Think that will make you want to join the site? Really?

If you want to screw around, at least put it in whispers.

poofandmook's avatar

I’m answering my own question… I was thinking of prostaglandin, not prolactin

jamzzy's avatar

i dont know about you but i dont have time to go to the bathroom RIGHT before sex. there must be a way to just not have to go pee. its annoying, it almost RUINS the post sex cuddling.

JackAdams's avatar

I thought you said you were “only 16”

chicadelplaya's avatar

I can’t stop laughing!!!

kenbu's avatar

The same hormone is released while you are having sex as when you are asleep. Morning wood? Guys are hard in the morning for the same reason, visa versa. That hormone makes them hard.

Same reasoning applies for when you’re watching porn for too long!

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