General Question

ketoneus's avatar

Why is Filezilla so slow to open?

Asked by ketoneus (1174points) October 30th, 2008

Filezilla takes at least two minutes to open on my work PC. It also takes about a minute to connect to an FTP server. Is this typical?

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2 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

Not at all (just fired it up to make sure, about 5 seconds to start, about 5 to connect), did you install it recently?

It seems to do pretty well exporting and importing server information and such so it might be worth doing an uninstall/reinstall if you have permissions to do so. Also, might want to check and make sure you’re using the latest version (3.1.5), they’ve released a couple updates in just the past week or so.

bodyhead's avatar

Try running the ‘portable’ version and see if you get different results.

filezilla portable

Maybe there’s just something messed up in your install.

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