General Question

klaas4's avatar

Why is my border white in IE and blue in other browsers?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) November 9th, 2008

If you are browsing with IE, you’ll notice the left and right borders are white (between the content and the shadow is a white line) but in other browsers, they aren’t. They should be blue in IE too! Why aren’t they?

If someone could help, it would be greatly appreciated. IE has always bothered me with my projects, damn it!

BTW, I’m going to sleep now, so I’ll check back in your evening. And what do you think about the design so far? ^.^

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5 Answers

irondavy's avatar

I’m not sure why it’s happening but a simple fix would be to put the borders on the “contenter” td instead of the shadow tds as I’ve done here:

The design is perfectly competent but I’d lose those icky tables that make up the code.

klaas4's avatar

I had to go to the toilet and I saw your answer and couldn’t resist trying. It works! Yay!

Thank you so very much! You really take time to get things solved. I like that.

I tried divs before this, but it screwed my whole layout up, so I decided to go with the good ‘ol tables. Yeah I know, kinda old, but it works. and most of all, it’s valid! :)

Thanks again!

Vincentt's avatar

It might be valid in that it passes the test, but it isn’t valid in that it isn’t semantic (i.e. your tags say it’s a table of data while it’s not). That should be the reason for not using it (with accessibility in mind), not that it’s old.

It’s probably not divs (which aren’t semantic per se, but at least they’re not “wrong”, just perhaps inappropriate) screwing it up, but you ;-). It might be worthwhile to start learning the CSS box model and stuff :)

(By the way, shouldn’t you GA irondavy? ;-)

irondavy's avatar

Thanks @Vincentt! ;)

justin5824's avatar

I think that IE and windows for that mater, is F’ed up.

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