General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Just how evil are you?

Asked by AstroChuck (37656points) November 14th, 2008

You know that you are. Well, maybe just a little. Maybe a lot.
Tell me something about yourself that might make somebody else think you are eee-vil.
I don’t know. Maybe you kick puppies. Maybe you drown kittens. Perhaps you just tease your sibling without mercy. Whatever it is, you know you’ve done something bad. What?
Tell me, tell me, tell me!

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37 Answers

mea05key's avatar

i like chaos and to see ppl in trouble to a certain extend. but if it becomes severe i begin to sympathise truly and hope i am able to help.

arnbev959's avatar

I smoke weed. Some people think that’s evil.

mea05key's avatar

how does kitten puppies goes along with the topic

AstroChuck's avatar

Pete, I’m shocked!!!

mea05key's avatar

smoking weed is evil because ppl around get those cancerous smoke. 2nd hand smoker is as bad as first hand.

buster's avatar

I have a pentagram in my avatar. Am I evil? Yes I am. Am I evil? I am man,
Am I Evil the song lyrics
Diamond Head sings this one Metallica covered it also

gimmedat's avatar

I can’t say. Nobody needs to know the extent of my devious nature. I would love to, but some people here know me. I will say that one thing that some may consider mean, not necessarily evil, is when I had my children convinced I was the pink Power Ranger. They didn’t know any different until halfway through elementary school, after they had already shared their claim to fame.

scamp's avatar

Who, meeeeee?????? heh heh heh

asmonet's avatar

When I was a kid I found lizard eggs in the shed and threw them on the ground one by one listening to the pop…like they were those little exploding firecrackers. You could see the babies once they opened. Altogether maybe ten.

I always regretted that. Even now I feel like terrible person for it. I still have no idea why I did it. I know I was interested in the fracture patterns on the shells, but beyond that I have no clue.

@mea: You need to do some more research.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

If I confess will I be redeemed for my sins? :P

Around Christmas, one year, when I was probably about seven, my cousins and sister went around to people’s mailboxes opening Christmas cards stealing money and whatever else was in them, then we ripped up the cards and threw them in the street.

I still feel like a horrible person for it. I hate thinking about it.

mea05key's avatar

oh yea saw it… kinda silly me

peedub's avatar

I take apart taxidermy. I don’t care if it’s baby chicks or little kitties. I’m ruthless, I tell ya, ruthless!

asmonet's avatar

popplecat is win

buster's avatar

Thats great peedub.
Popplecat! LOL!

arnbev959's avatar

@mea05key: I never smoke around people who don’t want to breath in the second hand smoke.

Wow. I didn’t think anyone was going to prove my point. I’m evil.

jessturtle23's avatar

When I was in highschool my boyfriend at the time cheated on me so I rubbed fiberglass insulation in the crotch of all his underwear. I would never do anything like that now.

buster's avatar

Thats fucking evil jess. I work with that stuff sometimes i call it itchulation.

mea05key's avatar


just stating. no offense

@ jess


mrjadkins's avatar

People say I am evil because I love seeing people fall down. I LOVE it. I laugh like a maniac when it happens live. Stories of people falling are great and YouTube falls are hysterical. The absolute best is the fall that causes others to fall too. I can’t get enough.

I even laughed when my mom fell once in the streets of DC. She fell hard and was pulling gravel out of her hands. I was laughing harder because I could not stop laughing. Nothing like a good fall!

adri027's avatar

well I must say I am a pretty evil woman. I’ve always been really devious, once when I was a younger I convinced my two neighbor kids that these chilis I had crushed up were lotion for the eyes oh man then I use to chase them around with a knife poor kids…

buster's avatar

@mrjadkins Last year I went on a cruise. In 4 days I saw a fat man sit in one of those white plastic deck chairs and it broke and he hit the ground sit by the pool. The next day we where sitting in the same type chairs at an excursion in mexico watching some traditional dancers or something. Anyways this big ole woman sat in the plastic chair and it crumpled. I laughed both times. The guy laughed at himself. The woman looked mortified started crying and vacated the premises immediately.

scamp's avatar

@jessturtle23 Sounds like a friend of mine who washed her cheating husband’s undies in salt water.

adri027's avatar

I forgot to add my grandma use to think I had demons in me so she would always put the sign of the cross up and try to sprinkle holy water on me.
Also when I was in my prime a couple of parents thought I was evil because they would think I got their kids to start doing drugs but really I never forced anyone or peer pressured it was up to them damn that use to piss me off.

rowenaz's avatar

My problem is that i am too naive and not evil enough by half….

augustlan's avatar

When I was in 9th grade (top of junior high), my friends and I would stand in a heavily travelled corridor and trip all the 6th graders. They’d go sprawling, books flying everywhere. That, and leaving a tip in an upside down glass of water were about the most evil I could muster. Still feel bad about both.

Nimis's avatar

I wish I could give Peedub and Jess more lurve.

I’m sure I’ve done some terrible things, but it would seem
I am being punished for my sins by having a terrible memory.

As a consolation story, one of my good friends was so upset with her dad for her parents’ divorce (he met another woman), that she baked a whole bottle of Ex-Lax into his birthday cake. That was pretty awesome.

jca's avatar

when i was about 9 we lived in california, and in back of the apartments was a long driveway on a hill. the driveway had some speed bumps. we used to have a shopping cart we would wheel each other around in. this girl was in the cart, and i put a dog leash around her waist and attached it to the cart, and put the cart at the top of the driveway, and was wheeling her downhill. then i let go. she picked up speed, hit the speedbump, flew through the air, chained to the cart and all landed in a heap at the bottom of the driveway. she cried and ran in to her mother, i ran and hid.

trumi's avatar

My evil comes out when a friend really pisses me off. Cuz I can get inside peoples heads, get to know them really well. And if I lose my cool, I’ll say something hurtful.

But for the most part, I’m not very evil.

Like to piss off my cat….

Zaku's avatar

If I had a magic button to push that would turn 99% of all humans on the planet into appropriate wild animals for their region, I would press it, and feel good about it. Way too many humans on this planet.

krose1223's avatar

I’m not evil at all. I’m entirely too sensitive to mean things. They make my heart hurt. :(

dynamicduo's avatar

My cousin once put her cat in the washing machine and turned it on. I stood by and did nothing. Even though it wasn’t my own action, I still consider it to be one of the evilest things I’ve done.

Oh, and there’s the whole hating humanity thing. Agree 100% with Zaku above.

jca's avatar

what happened to the cat?

i feel bad whenever i hear about cruelty to animals.

dynamicduo's avatar

The cat was OK. She took it out after a minute or two. It sure was wet, it bolted out of the room though so I guess it didn’t suffer any serious injury. She thought it was the funniest thing ever… it was about this time when I asked my dad to stop bringing us over so often.

AstroChuck's avatar

You mean the cat was OK physically.

dynamicduo's avatar

Yes, of course. Well, for that instance… their family was a bit dysfunctional so I imagine that cat was subjected to more than what I saw on that one occasion. It’s just one drop in the bucket of why our families aren’t close anymore.

Jeruba's avatar

People who’ve given me great offense or been awful to me at some time in my life are apt to meet my special dispensation of justice in fictional form. Even if there is no way they could ever recognize themselves, I know whom I am describing or to whose name I am alluding in my despicable or ridiculous or simply unpleasant characters. This is a most delicious revenge.

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