General Question

syz's avatar

Anyone created a faux metal finish on a piece of furniture?

Asked by syz (35943points) November 18th, 2008

I have two black, wooden bedside tables that are too dark for the medium blue and pewter bedroom. I think I’d like to paint them a silver or pewter color. Has anyone had any luck with complete pieces? Any tips?

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4 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I think it could be done. Are you looking for a ‘pure’ silver/pewter or an antiqued look? Metallic paint almost never looks like the real thing, so I’d suggest antiquing over the paint. You can do this with watered down black paint, or special antiquing gel from a crafts store. Just apply it sparingly (I like a damp sea sponge for all over) especially where there are any nooks & crannies or carved details (this may require a small brush), then blot most of it off with a cloth or paper towel. Take it slow, and remember it’s just paint!

Another option is to apply silver leafing all over. You could also leave the tables black, but use silver paint to accent the edges or any details or paneling.

SoapChef's avatar

Omigosh! Augustian, I was going to answer this and your answer popped up. It is almost exactly what I was going to say, silver leaf and all! Great minds think alike.

dabbler's avatar

@augustlan the silver-leaf sounds like a winner to me. If you’re working with either painting or leafing consider layers of color beneath to give a depth to the look and avoid a flat look. The underlying layers could be sponged or ragrolled to make some variety. A pale blue undercoat could set off silver-leaf nicely esp in the room you describe.

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