General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Is there a time you felt intense jealousy?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 18th, 2008

What made you feel that way? If time has passed since then, do you look back and feel like you overreacted?

What do you think jealousy is, anyway? I sometimes get jealous of the attention other people get here or elsewhere. When I go unlurved for a while, I start to feel like I don’t count, or no one is interested in my words any more.

These moments of fleeting jealousy are nothing compared to how I felt when my first lover had another lover, or when a woman I was pretty serious about went upstairs at a party (that I was attending also), and ended up fucking someone. I know it happened. I heard them inside the room. I’d followed them upstairs when I saw her going with him. That’s an experience I will never forget!

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24 Answers

trumi's avatar

I mean, jealousy is just envy. It’s arguably the worst of the so-called seven deadly sins, that and greed.

That being said, I’m jealous of people who have good self esteem. But I wouldn’t say it’s an “intense” jealousy. Just, wish I didn’t have so much self doubt.

delirium's avatar

Yeah, Every time JP posts something incredibly pithy and perfect.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m jealous that delirium came up with that answer insead of me.
I hate you, delirium.

chicadelplaya's avatar

More times than I would like to admit, even to myself. Mostly over some stupid guy.

arnbev959's avatar

AC: I was going to make a remark about Del’s answer.

Pestilence upon the house of AstroChuck!

bythebay's avatar

Jealously is fear in a fancy coat. And yes, I’ve felt it deeply and have overreatcted and made an ass of myself. What I’ve learned is not to beat myself over it and to try and let it go. The way I look at it, if you care about something/someone enough to be jealous it can’t be all bad. As for your unfortunate Sherlock Holmes moment at the party; that had to hurt…to ease the pain of your horrible memory I’ve sent some lurve your way!! :)

delirium's avatar


(I had to.)

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh, I get so filled with jealousy over JP and delirium and Gail and Marina and uberbatman and PnL and shilolo and how everybody loves them so much better than me. It just make me want to..
Oh, shit! My mood ring just exploded.

Comedian's avatar

I think the question is is there a time when you haven’t felt intense jealousy?

and then you say, “tuche”

jessturtle23's avatar

I was jealous when I was going through boy crazy puberty. I hated my boyfriends exes. I grew out of that when I was 17 or so.

Perchik's avatar

I’ve felt intensely jealous a couple times when I see her talking to him because I’ve been him before and I know it’s never innocent.

Jealousy is human. As long as you don’t let it get to you, it’s cool.

gimmedat's avatar

So I had a great long answer about my fits of jealousy (there have been some goodies) but I decided they make me appear crazy, so I’m not going to share. I will say my jealousy has never been material motivated, I’ve always been a jealous wife. I’ve gotten better, because jealousy is so ugly, but yes, I’ve been there.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yes, I have. Plenty of times. Before my last relationship I was never really the jealous type, but something about the way he acted brought it out in me, which was unfortunate. I was very in love and whenever I learned something about him possibly being sneaky (in any kind of way) with another girl, it came out intensely. That was one of the reasons I decided to get out of the relationship. The fact that he even gave me a reason to be jealous was bad enough.

SoapChef's avatar

Yep, but much less as I get older. It is not jealousy exactly, but I get my feelings hurt when I get ignored or I don’t get lurve for answers that I am so happy about. I will see lurve all around my answer and I think “C’mon that was funny”. I think I am not with the “in” crowd.

bythebay's avatar

SoapChef; hop over to the love songs question and feel all the lurve around here. There’s lurve in the air!

tiggersmom's avatar

I was crushed when the man that I love, was unfaithful, and the jealousy was so intense that I didn’t know if I could control it. I took some time to myself, and then thought better of being jealous, I thought about leaving him. Over the years now, I do not worry about having to be jealous, I am secure in our relationship, though at times, he is jealous, literally of nothing and no one. It’s really an ugly green eyed monster.

cdwccrn's avatar

to my shame, I was very jealous and angry when my YOUNGER and JUST MARRIED sister got pregnant before I did. I had been married several years and had followed the doctor’s instructions regarding BCP. and was about to officially start trying to get pregnant.
Bam. She calls with the news that she was.
It took 2 or 3 days before I could call back and sincerely congratulate her. And a few days later, on the first try, new year’s eve, 1977, I conceived my daughter. The girls were born 20 days apart.

augustlan's avatar

Once when I was a teenager, and once as an adult the green-eyed monster came to play. Both times were short-lived, and motivated by love. Every day envy is a different story. I look upon them differently…jealousy is a destructive force, while envy can be experienced as a kind of ‘I wish that was me, but I am still happy for you’ feeling. It can also help motivate you.

SuperMouse's avatar

Surprisingly enough, considering my abandonment issues, I don’t have a problem with jealousy. I’m not sure why, but for some reason I just don’t get super jealous. I don’t ever remember being overcome with jealousy.

bythebay's avatar

After reading my post above, I did remember the time I threw my husbands cell phone off the balcony of a hotel while we were on a vaca. I couldn’t help myself…it keep ringing…he kept answering…I felt ignored and less important than the office. I did get his undivided attention after that; perhaps not in the way I had hoped.

maio's avatar

yes, it is the worse….best u can do is make believe u dont care and move on…fake it till u make it. also u have to put down some rules with the people u deal with in the future…letting them know how u feel before that shit happens again…at least u told them…. and they know u know

Amish_Ninja's avatar

@cdwccrn that must have been one wild New Years Eve Party, ehhh?

cdwccrn's avatar

A quiet evening with dear friends with a young child, a check of the calendar regarding dates of fertility, a hasty goodnight to friends, and well, you know the rest…..

maybe_KB's avatar

I wanna star in Smallville.

(stupid Lana-He so loves her!)

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