General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What kinds of tech gadgets do you carry around?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 19th, 2008

What do you have and what do you use it for? I don’t mean the obvious (like “I use a cell phone to make phone calls”), I mean things like: communication, picture taking, listening to music, surfing the web, taking notes, building spreadsheets, storing lists, work, whatever. How often do you upgrade to a new gadget? How much do you spend each month to make the gadget useful to you?

I have a cell phone that’s about five years old and can only make calls. I use it to calculate gas mileage in addition to making calls. I don’t even message. I pay about $25 a month for 60 minutes of “free” airtime, and I don’t even use that up, most months.

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18 Answers

rossi_bear's avatar

I always have my cell with me as well as my laptop. can’t leave home without the web. LOL!! :)

tinyfaery's avatar

Just my iPhone. I bought it so I’d only have to carry around one device.

dynamicduo's avatar

- Cellphone, an old Nokia one I got way back. For calls and the occasional text message. Its also my phone book. On the cheapest plan it can get for phone minutes, text messages are pay-as-you-go and that’s fine with me. Won’t be upgrading unless I switch providers.
– Digital camera, Canon SD1100IS. A beautiful piece of engineering for sure! Takes great photos and has AWESOME image stabilizer implementation. I upgraded to this only when my older camera broke.
– Music player, iPod nano. This replaced my fat 3rd generation iPod when it broke. I’ve been wanting to upgrade to an iPod Touch but haven’t had the funds, and the more I wait the more I don’t care about upgrading…
– Web surfing is left at home. If I’m out, it’s cause I’m out with someone, I don’t need to be checking Web Item X. although one of the biggest draws to the iPod Touch is the wi-fi browsing ability, I’d love to have Google with me all the time…

I tend to not upgrade unless it’s necessary. I do not care what people think of my gear. I do not buy into the hype of having the hottest tech item.

Mr_M's avatar

I wear a cap with a propeller in case I need to fly. And my eye glasses have the electric windshield wiper attachment.

Raggedy_Ann's avatar

Just my cell phone. I just got a new one that includes a camera so I use that for an occassional picture. I do usually have my digital camera with me too.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I always have my cell phone and my iPod on me. Depending on where im going, the laptop will come with me as well.

miasmom's avatar

my husband convinced me to get an iPhone and I love it…it does so much…if only it would do my laundry!

eambos's avatar

Cell phone, iPod Touch, Flash drive or two, Laptop, Swiss army knife. I’m prepared for any tech emergency!

rainsmoker's avatar

cellphone: calls, microblogging, picture uploading, mail when laptop unavailable
ipod nano, ipod: can’t do a thing without having a proper soundtrack
macbook: websurfing, microblogging, geolocalization, notes, calendars
external usb hdd: always try to keep my files available outside my laptop
camera: for weird things that i run into everyday

augustlan's avatar

Just my cell. I use it for tons of calls, very limited texting, pics, phone book and most important to me: calendar reminders! I can’t remember a damn thing if it’s not programmed into my phone…

I upgrade every 2 years because I’m on a Verizon plan that gives you a free (up to $150) phone every two years.

loser's avatar

Just my iPhone. It’s all I need and the air that I breathe…

joeysefika's avatar

iPhone, sometimes my camera if I’m going somewhere interesting or it’s a good day for photography.

shrubbery's avatar

My mobile “cellphone” for texting, I don’t make calls unless I have to as I’m on prepaid, so I only recieve calls or text (because texts are 1 cent, yay!).
And I used to take my little iPod shuffle most places, since it was so small and easy to transport and I walk lots, but it got stolen :(
I don’t have to have the newest stuff, my phone is a couple of years old now, and I’m only looking to upgrade cause the battery life aint great anymore. I only got the shuffle when it came out because it was pretty much perfect for me when I go for runs and stuff. Now that I don’t have that anymore, I’m back to my old samsung mp3 player which is huge and chunky and quite a few years old now, but its battery life isn’t great either so I’m hoping to replace my shuffle, though I wouldn’t mind if it was the new shuffle or the old ones, doesn’t bother me. As long as it’s green… ;)

windex's avatar

my brain

cdwccrn's avatar

My iPhone, used for calls, text, email, web searchs, checks stocks and weather, taking pictures, tv listings, movie times, fun and games, including fluther.
Can’t go anywhere without it.

Mr_M's avatar

I have a “clapper” attached to a penile pump. It’s interesting when, at the end of a speech, the audience applauds! “POP! Goes the weasel!!!”

Jeruba's avatar

My cellphone, but I rarely use it and always have tons of unused minutes even on the minimal plan. Only my family have my number, and I only turn it on when I leave the house. It’s for emergencies more than anything else. I hate talking on the phone, always have. It makes me feel crowded.

For my kids, it’s the centerpiece of their social lives.

kawaii11's avatar

Usually my cellphone and netbook.

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