General Question

andrew's avatar

If I purchase the new Portal game from xbox live, will it ruin the original game for me?

Asked by andrew (16553points) November 20th, 2008

I haven’t played the old one, but I plan on purchasing Orange Box when I get the chance. Will Portal: Still Alive ruin my Orange Box experience?

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15 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Portal: Still Alive is the original game, but it has some extras included(influenced by the portal flash game). So i would just buy the game on XBL, and then if you decide you want the orange box for the other games down the road go for it.

This was a triumph, im making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS

MrMontpetit's avatar

Portal: Still Alive IS Portal. All there is are a couple of new levels. But the story mode is the EXACT SAME. Portal: Still Alive = Portal from The Orange Box. Except in Portal: Still Alive there are some new levels you can play, separate from the story.

MrMontpetit's avatar

@uberbatman +1 for your last line!

eambos's avatar

If I were you, i’d get the orange box. It also has TF2, whish is incredibly fun, and Half Life 2, probably the best game ever. In my opinion, Still alive isn’t worth it. There’s maybe a dozen new levels, and they aren’t that great. Skip it and just get the orange box.

Nevermind, you’re already getting the orange box.

MrMontpetit's avatar

TF2 isn’t fun on consoles for me, only on PC. Valve games were made for PC, and I think they are the best that way.

tonedef's avatar

I’ve been having a blast with TF2 on Xbox. I haven’t played a FPS on PC since the original team fortress, I think.

But, I think that Still Alive wouldn’t RUIN the orange box for you, just basically increase its price by 15 dollars. It’s not worth it! Just get the Orange Box for 30 bucks.

MrMontpetit's avatar

^ Agreed.
(with the last part)

richardhenry's avatar

Meh. The new stuff looks sort of interesting, but if you were playing it for the first time it might lack the all-rounded experience they got exactly right in the original. It finished at exactly the right time, it left you wanting a bit more but not too badly… just play the original.

Things like the alternate level modes (the time trials, the minimum steps to complete) are enough to cover you; I don’t think having extra levels will make it any more fun. Plus you get the other gonads in the Orange Box.

Spend your Live credits downloading Braid, like I told you to.

eambos's avatar

Valve games own the PC. Only platform I play.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Meh the rest of the orange box isnt all that great IMO and deserves to be played on a pc anyway. I would just buy Still Alive. You still get the original portal, plus some extras. Because as all of us know PORTAL WAS WAYYYYYYY TO SHORT.

MrMontpetit's avatar

@uberbatman Really? I love TF2 and the HL series. But like I said, I like them better on a PC. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I think the HL series is good, but highly overrated. I wouldnt play it on XB, Pc on the other hand is a diff story :P (aside from PCs being better for FPS’, its free :P)

TF2 i cant really talk for since ive never played it, but for some reason i dont feel im missing much.

eambos's avatar

You’re missing a lot.

andrew's avatar

Well, we wanted to play before I had time to head to gamestop, so I ended up DLing it.

If I still have a hankering for episode two, I’ll pick up a used copy of orange box.

richardhenry's avatar

@andrew: Want mine? It’s been sat on my shelf for a million years.

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