General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What does a "high-maintenance" partner look like to you?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) November 21st, 2008

I’d like to know what kinds of actions people think high-maintenance partners require of them, and why these high-maintenance activites bug them so.

Also what are some of the signs that you believe an individual is probably high-maintenance? Is there anyone who would consider having a relationship with a high-maintenance partner? If so, why?

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10 Answers

augustlan's avatar

When I think of ‘high maintenance’ it brings to mind someone who needs constant intervention on my part. Whether it is reassurance in the form of compliments or praise, calming down an overly upset partner, boosting an ego, taking sides in a disagreement, etc. While all of those things are ok in moderation, a high maintenance person A) needs them and B) needs them all the time. It’s as if they are not able to be ok with who and what they are without constant outside help.

Then there is the stereotypical ‘high maintenance woman’, always in full-on makeup, hair always ‘done’, regular mani-pedi appointments, etc. This may or may not be a high maintenance partner. She requires personal maintenance, but she may not require it from you. She may have some insecurities or she may just like to look nice. Personality plays a much bigger role than physical appearance.

MrMontpetit's avatar

High maintenance to me is someone who needs constant attention.

Judi's avatar

My constant companionship. I have trouble doing anything on my own because he always wants to be a part of it. I sometimes feel like I’m loosing my own identity. On the other hand, I would rather have a high maintenance guy than one who didn’t want to spend ANY time with me! He adores me, and we’re working on letting me find places to be and things to do where I get to be just Judi. (like here on fluther) and not just Jeff’s wife.

Knotmyday's avatar

To me, someone appears high-maintenance if they are obviously living beyond their means. My old boss’ wife gave that appearance; I always had the feeling that he overtasked our production just to pay for her Beemer/jewelry/lavish vacations etc.

Knotmyday's avatar

Sue- “blow-up doll” came immediately to mind

flameboi's avatar

High maintenance = someone you lost your head (and wallet) for…

loser's avatar

To me, high maintenence is somebody who always needs your time and attention and can’t seem to handle any down time.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

High-maintenance typically means to me that someone isn’t able to give up control in practically every facet of life. They have perfect jobs, perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect car, perfect tan, perfect nails, perfect partner. They are so concerned with “perfect” that they become extremely superficial in appearance and relationships, both.

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