General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What do the magical handcuffs keep you from doing?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) November 25th, 2008

They keep me from getting up our of my desk chair, walking downstairs, brushing my teeth, and going to bed in time to get enough sleep to keep me from getting depressed.

It is so strange. In my mind I’m telling myself, over and over, to go to bed. Go to bed, you nimbus! But I don’t go to bed. I stay up until 2, 3, or 4 in the morning. Doing what, you might ask? Well, yes, I do fluther, but it’s worse than that. I also play spider solitaire, over and over and over. I can’t go to bed until I’ve solved a game, but when I solve a game, I start another one instead of going to bed.

So, do you have something like that? Where it’s as if some magical restraint keeps you from doing what you really want to do in order to do something of dubious value?

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16 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

You had me at “Magical Handcuffs”~

I have a metal butt and every hotel bar has a magnetic bar stool that I always end up sitting in. Fact is, I hate going back to my hotel room when I am traveling and the bar is the best place to chat with other weary travelers and to watch TV. And have cocktails. But I always stay way-y-y- too long.

SoapChef's avatar

No offense daloon, but at the risk of offending our resident nimbus, did you mean nimrod? That actually means “great hunter” or something but it has come to be an insulting moniker. :0)
To answer your question, yes I do that and kick myself for it. I am doing that right now! I have people coming for Thanksgiving and a house to clean and turkeys to brine oh my!
@ Sueanne I have that same problem when I travel.

bythebay's avatar

They keep me from walking away from Spider Solitaire…
from going to the gym…
from cleaning out the garage…
Oh the list is endless!

wundayatta's avatar

@soapchef, yeah, I probably did mean nimrod. I’ve been having trouble retrieving words, lately. Usually I either find it eventually, or go with an alternative. This is the first time (I know of) that I substituted something close, but embarrassing. My apologies, Nimbus!

@sueanne: love the image of a metal butt and magnetic bar stools!

@bythebay: you’re addicted to spider solitaire, too?!? Wow! Maybe there should be a self-help group!

Allie's avatar

Yes, it’s called Campfire.

bodyhead's avatar

I told a buddy of mine recently that I wished I could make better decisions when I drink.

He just double checked with me to make sure I realize how stupid that sounds.

My magic handcuffs make me stay out way too late only to feel crappy in the morning.

mea05key's avatar

YES i love the night too much and i dread waking up in the morning? I have the exactly same symtoms as you but i am starting to sleep early since i started working. The night seems to be more peaceful and comfortable than the morning. To me, morning is mostly related to waking up to go to school and to rush to work. It has been the case since i was young. Really nothing interesting to look forward to in the morning. Night is the time I can have the whole time doing my stuffs

dynamicduo's avatar

I’m really finding it hard to put down this site. I’ve spent so much time here this past week all my other hobbies are going out the window… finally last night I said ENOUGH is enough, get on making a quilt! And so here I am, the day after, with progress on a quilt, sitting in front of my sewing machine, typing on this blasted laptop on this site…

lynzeut's avatar

@dynamicduo I did the same thing. I got the whole top of a quilt pieced together and just can’t bring myself to finish it because of distractions like Fluther!

Knotmyday's avatar

My magic handcuffs drag me in to work even though I’m sick. Blech.

dynamicduo's avatar

I’m actually managing to do the quilt AND surf Fluther right now, but only for a minute while my TV show transfers onto my hard drive from my thumb drive… oh now it’s off to more quilting! If I’m strong willed with myself I can stop typing and go work… like now!!

buster's avatar

Its hard to skateboard in handcuffs.

Trustinglife's avatar

I used to be totally addicted to Spider!

Now the magical handcuffs seem to keep me chained to playing one more game of “Four Free” (Connect 4) on my iPhone. There are certain games on there that I find to be addictive. Handcuffs also tie me to finishing whatever task I set for myself, no matter what it is or how late at night. Good question.

If anyone’s looking to change their patterns with this, what I’ve found to be helpful is a process called voice dialogue. It makes it easy to talk with the parts of ourselves that are wanting to keep doing the activity. It looks like this:

Adam: I’m curious why you keep wanting to play Spider?
Part: Mmm, cuz I like it. I like to play. You’ve been working too hard lately. We need a break. I don’t care that you want to sleep. I need to play.
Adam: Gotcha. I see that it is important that we have some downtime. If we play for another half-hour, can we go to sleep after that?
Part: Yeaaaah, ok.

These parts are powerful. (Otherwise, why don’t you just stop??) Talking with these parts directly can be really helpful. Try it.

adri027's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

what allie said

augustlan's avatar

Walking away from Fluther.
Going to bed at a semi-human hour.
Finishing the remodel I’ve started on my spare bedroom.
Cleaning up the kitchen.
Like bythebay, my list is endless.

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