General Question

afghanmoose's avatar

Has anyone seen the new power slide case for the iphone?

Asked by afghanmoose (554points) November 27th, 2008

what are your thoughts about it

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13 Answers

nexstar5's avatar

looks kind of odd, but i guess now it would be on par with all the other ulgy looking smartphones

judochop's avatar

That is pretty cool. Anything to improve battery life I guess. If I run across one I will buy it. One of my biggest complaints about the Iphone is that the battery runs down so quickly. With the new Blackberry Storm out Iphone is going to need some love to keep float.

bluemukaki's avatar

The iPhone has plenty of battery life if you use it effectively.

For example turn off 3G in non-3G areas,
Dim your screen’s brightness,
Change from Push notifications to checking at a less frequent rate.
Turn off Bluetooth.

So of you really, really need more battery power then the case is worthwhile, but otherwise it isn’t worth ruining the form factor of such a sleek device for battery power that you don’t really need.

afghanmoose's avatar

how much do you guys think its gona cost?

wilhel1812's avatar

Looks great! i cant wait ‘till we start selling it.

jtvoar16's avatar

I so totally need that! I run so many apps that my battery dies everyday! I don’t care what my phone looks like, as long as it works!
I’m with afghanmoose, how much do you think that will run?
I know the battery you can buy at Apple Stores is like 50$, so maybe it will be like 80$? That’s my guess

afghanmoose's avatar

what do you mean we wil

afghanmoose's avatar

im thinking around $69.99 for a fair price for what it offers

jtvoar16's avatar

OMG. I just looked at the price and… OMG. 100$... plus shipping and handling?!?!? now way, I’ll spend 50$ at the Apple Store on the battery by itself, then cut the bottom off my current case… Much better option then… 100$

maccmann's avatar

I think that I saw it on Chuck’s iPhone last night…on Chuck.

Which incidentally I’m going to stop watching because it relies way too much on the pretty girls and goofy situations…although the pretty girls are nice!

afghanmoose's avatar

I think the storyline with the nerd herd and the story is way better than the other ones

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