General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Will Venezuela and/or Cuba become our friends during an Obama administration?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 28th, 2008
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5 Answers

judochop's avatar

one can only hope. However, if that happens then all the right wings will be shouting, communism.

flameboi's avatar

Mmm, that’s going to be complicated, is not an easy, let alone an adecuate step, both countries should step aside from communist practices before that happens, the leftist governments in Central and South America should be a top priority, is a cancer that is infecting the whole region.

augustlan's avatar

Isn’t Cuba already working on this? I thought I heard that the country is opening up, little by little. If so, and small changes lead to bigger changes, I think it’s entirely possible.

peziak's avatar

I don’t understand why we keep on penalizing Cuba. China is the worlds largest communist country. They summarily arrest political dissidents and send them to jail or work camps. Yet they are one of our largest trading partners.

But Cuba, a small communist country remains under an embargo because of some crazy shenanigans during the 60’s, our bruised American pride and Miami’s Cuban immigrants who have been lobbying against the dropping of the embargo.

Ironically Cuba just discovered vast amounts of oil, large enough to become a major players on the international oil market. It’s time we stop stymying their growth and potential.

Trustinglife's avatar

Right on, Peziak. And isn’t Fidel getting old?

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