Meta Question

wundayatta's avatar

Are we supposed to get points for every great answer?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 2nd, 2008

Lately I’ve been noticing that almost none of the GAs I get affect my point total. Is that the way it’s supposed to be? Is there an explanation?

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26 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

I know there’s a lifetime cap of lurve that one user can give another. So it could be that the people giving you GAs have already hit that cap with giving you lurve.

gravitas's avatar

If a single person gives you points over and over, after a while their opinion is null. This is to avoid people gaming the system.

bodyhead's avatar

I wonder if I’ve hit the lifetime cap. I do like your answers.

(I thought there was just a per day cap)

cdwccrn's avatar

Great question and great answers. Alot of the detail of this site is still new to me.

shilolo's avatar

[mod says] Here is Ben’s answer from a few weeks ago. Roughly 100 lurve points (i.e. 20 GAs) is the max one user can give another before hitting a cap.

bodyhead's avatar

JEEZ LOUISE. I’m willing to bet a lot of people get their questions answered by the illustrious bodyhead more then 100 freaking times. This is an outrage!

MrMontpetit's avatar

Wait, is it if you give out 100 lurve in general, you don’t give lurve anymore, or is it if you give 100 lurve to a certain person?

shilolo's avatar

@MrMontpetit. The latter. You can give me 100, bodyhead 100, etc., etc. That shouldn’t stop you from marking GAs if that is what you think. Most people on here long enough aren’t too attached to the lurve score, but it is nice to see a few stars next to your answers.

rossi_bear's avatar

it would be nice to get points for answers too. but not everyone does. i know i don’t get rated for my answers.:(

Harp's avatar

It’s also an effective ego reality check. When the limits kick in, you realize that all those GA’s don’t necessarily represent the collective applause of all Flutherland; sometimes it’s just the same little cluster of folks who’re always GAing you.

mea05key's avatar

i agree with harp. for astrochuck’s song game, i got nearly 50 lurves for playing it. Didnt put much effort into it ,,simply google and copy past into the box. ( i admit i crapped out a few of the song titles.)

wundayatta's avatar

Is there any way that we could get lists of the folks who have maxed out for us? Also the ones we have maxed out for? That would help in understanding this.

shilolo's avatar

@daloon. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that is likely to happen. The anonymity of the lurve system is very useful, and part of the fabric of Fluther. That said, I’m sure you can figure out for yourself if you’ve lurved someone and their lurve score doesn’t go up.

shrubbery's avatar

I can’t lurve you anymore, daloon

jlm11f's avatar

Also see this Q asked by tinyfaery recently.

AstroChuck's avatar

I starting to think no one can lurve me anymore. That’s just the way it goes, I suppose. Makes it difficult to get that long sought after five digits.

fireside's avatar

I know I’ve definitely maxed out on some people.
Good luck, Chuck.

jlm11f's avatar

chuckie, i maxed out on you a long time ago :(

wundayatta's avatar

Yes, I’m sure there have been other calls for reconsideration of this rule, but I’m not sure, at all, that it serves the purpose it is supposed to.

First of all, it presumes that people are going to game the system, so we should have a kind of lurve governor placed on us. That’s insulting, and probably a bad assumption.

Second, I think the idea that people aren’t attached to lurve is also wrong. People use terminology based on the word all the time. It has taken on, in my opinion, a kind of iconic or even mythical meaning for this community. It means much more than the points, but points are how we see that we are lurved. And people very much want to be lurved. It’s a way of seeing how much esteem other people have for you. For the self-esteem-deprived, like myself, that has enormous significance.

Third, I don’t think the assumption about the attention people pay to points disappears as they are here longer. Trust me, I’ve given this lecture on Askville a number of times. Points are meaningless. However, on Askville, that’s because you have no idea how people are scoring others, nor what those scores are. There is no transparency in that system at all.

In the fluther system, it is not completely transparent, but it is more transparent, and that means that lurve on an answer counts for much more psychologically and metaphorically.

I’m not in a competition with anyone to see who has the most points. But I do want a measure of how well I’m doing in terms of writing answers that move people. I need that feedback because, well, I’m an insecure guy.

When I look at my score total, and it’s going up at a certain rate, I feel like I’m still making sense. When I look at it, and I’ve been working very hard, and it doesn’t change, even though I see those GA stars, it still makes me feel like I’ve fucked up somehow.

Anyway, that’s my pitch. I really mean that this is a psychological/spiritual issue, not some kind of points issue. The points are worthless in the real world. The only value they have is psychological. It is a kind of community-building thing.

I suppose it is a kind of income differentiation minimizer. The distance between the highest points and 0 points is minimized this way. There is value to that, but there’s also value to offering people real feedback about the esteem other people hold them in.

I don’t care whether you change the points thing or not. But I would like to know how many GAs I’ve gotten today. If I have few, I know I’m not on the wavelength that other people are on, and if I want to, I can change. If I have a steadily rising amount, I think I’m expressing myself clearly, and at least a couple of people agree with me.

I don’t get that by looking at stars on an answer. I miss a lot that way, because old answers still get stars. I could check lurve, but that’s too cumbersome. Although, I suppose if there could be a symbol in the lurve list that this GA counted and that one didn’t, I’d have a better understanding of what other people were thinking. Otherwise, it is frustrating and confusing, and for me, at least, demoralizing.

shilolo's avatar

@daloon. I will forward your observations to Andrew and Ben (if they haven’t seen your quip already). Feel free to join us in the chat room or Man O’ War if you want to discuss further (you can send me a PM for the chat room link).

fireside's avatar

lol daloon, deregulation has not brought the great benefits that we had been promised by the government. We’ve got a financial crisis, a mortgage crisis and an insurance crises based on the current round of deregulation, but let’s not forget about blackouts and the internet bubble.

I’m much happier avoiding a lurve crisis as well.

MacBean's avatar

I’ve also gotten to the point where most of my GAs aren’t giving me any points anymore. The stars still make me feel good, though, even though my lurve number stays the same.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve said it before, but here it is again: It doesn’t particularly bother me if someone is maxed out on me, but it drives me crazy when I’m maxed out on someone else. I really want them to get their points! Hoping it will be changed to a monthly cap, soon.

wundayatta's avatar

I really don’t care about the points. I just want a count. It could be private, if that would make a difference (I think privacy on such things creates more trouble, but others may disagree). I’m not concerned about fluthers, or great questions. Just a count of great answers.

What can I say? I’m a data analyst. Data are being lost. It bothers me.

dynamicduo's avatar

Maybe it could be possible to list the number of GAs one has in one’s profile. That way one could know they are still being appreciated. Since it doesn’t disclose any further details, I think it’s a fair compromise of data sharing.

fireside's avatar

That actually sounds like a fairly simple database call.
When you check your lurve, it could say 4163 * and then it could also list 5422 GAs from 297 users.

Still something that will take time and energy to produce, so maybe let the Admin team figure out how to sell some products before investing more into their site again.

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