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syz's avatar

Native/heat and drought resistent landscaping plants for central North Carolina?

Asked by syz (35943points) September 6th, 2007

I spent almost $800.00 on plants when I bought my house (dwarf alberta spruce, blue spruce, fernspray, momi fir – all supposed to grow and thrive in this area) and we are now in our 3rd year of drought and record breaking heat waves (4+ days at 102 degrees, heat index of 110) and in spite of watering (when allowed by restrictions), they’re all dying. It’s making me sick – that’s a LOT of money on my salary. I have a sneaking suspicion that this may be becoming the norm for our area…any suggestions on plants?

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2 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

We too are praying for rain in the NE. I save all gray water for essential plants, have gadgets installed on showers and sinks and toilets to use less water, flush less often and whiz in and out of shower. Check out the concept of xeriscaping…planting for drought conditions. I get baby plants from friends and neighbors; we swap. I have stopped buying expensive plants. I might as well skip the middle man and simply bury the money.The way to go for now…grasses; sedums; succulents; Here’s one good link.


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