General Question

andrew's avatar

How should I cross-train for racquetball?

Asked by andrew (16548points) December 19th, 2008 from IM

I’m taking 3 weeks off of playing, but I want to keep up my game? What should I do? Weights?

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5 Answers

Trustinglife's avatar

How about tennis? Maybe handball? Why are you taking 3 weeks off?

Otherwise, maybe running. Not just jogging – if I were you, I’d alternate sprinting and light jogging. That would seem to mimic the lunging energy bursts needed for racquetball.

peedub's avatar

Andrew, are you the infamous Eradicator?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

definitely sprints! and upper body weight lifting if you feel like it

weaselope's avatar

not tennis. in raquetball, you use your wrist, in tennis you should not.

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