General Question

simone54's avatar

Do you think it's it okay to hit a dog in order to train him in this case?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) January 3rd, 2009

My friends Lab is VERY well trained. He doesn’t need a leash when you walk him and he lives in Los Angeles. He’ll walk in front of you, but not too far, and he’ll always look back at you. He NEVER walks off the curb unless you tell him it’s okay. In order to train him not to walk off the curb, my buddy had to hit the dog.

What do you think about that?

I think it is for the dog’s own good. The dog will never walk out into a street and get killed by a car. It’s not like he hit him just so he does some stupid tricks or something.

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21 Answers

basp's avatar

I don’t treat my pets that way… But everyone is different. Perhaps he doesn’t understand there are other effective ways to train a lab.

Vinifera7's avatar

I don’t think it’s ever necessary to hurt a dog in order to train it.

wildflower's avatar

A slap on the nose to let the dog know it’s not acceptable is OK – hitting/beating in a way that hurts the dog is NOT.

Every pet (cats and dogs) that I/my family ever had got slaps on the nose as part of their ‘potty training’ – they were never hurt, but they got the message that what lead to that slap was wrong.

That’s my take on it, but then again, I also think it’s quite alright to give kids a slap on the wrist to teach them something they did is wrong…..(I don’t have kids, so no reason to call child services!)

susanc's avatar

Dogs are interested in learning what we want.
This dog sounds like a good dog that would have tried to get it without undue force.

oasis's avatar

Ditch your friend,if you can hit an animal then you can hit a child.

loser's avatar

I don’t know, how would you about being hit?

suzyq2463's avatar

I don’t think there’s ever any reason to hit a dog for training purposes. Positive reinforcement works better as a training tool and the dog doesn’t fear you. Since this is such a good dog (very teachable) I wonder why he found it necessary to hit for this one issue. Is it possible he used force in other instances?

judochop's avatar

He lives in LA? That dog needs a leash. Not a smack.

cak's avatar

Hitting a dog to train it just scares the dog. It’s cruel. So no, I don’t think it’s ok and I would never do it to my dogs – ever.

To not put the dog on a leash, just because it’s well-trained, is crazy…unless you are at a dog park that has a free roaming area.

What about the fact that another dog could be aggressive and go after this dog? The owner now has ZERO control over the dog.

I had a dog that was so loving, so gentle – the last thing you would ever think is she would try to bite or attack someone. I learned my lesson. My son was playing outside and the neighbor sent her grandson over to play with him. They were getting along, playing like boys will – rough…but giggling the entire time. (he’s little) Then, the boy decided to pick up a stick and use it as a sword – just about the same time I was yelling that it wasn’t a great idea to play that game, he was taking, what appeared to be a huge swing at my son. Our dog jumped in between them and started growling at the boy, teeth showing, full on defensive mode. Truly, this is a dog that is afraid of her own farts. I screamed her name to get her attention and she backed down. I had never seen her do such a thing. From that point on, I never had her out when he came over – and also told him never to swing sticks at people.

Point is, animal behavior, no matter how well trained, is unpredictable. He needs to invest in a leash and put it on, while walking w/ his dog.

Oh…and not hit the dog, ever again.

jessturtle23's avatar

He needs to put a leash on his dog. I live in the middle of nowhere and I still have my dog on a leash when I take him for a walk. If a big truck were to hit my dog and he wasn’t on a leash then that is my stupid fault. Hitting a dog is silly and it is like hitting a small child. They don’t understand. If training dogs was as easy as hitting them to get them to do something then it would be in practice with everyone. My dog is also the sweetest animal ever but if he thinks another dog is after me he will attack and I have seen him growl at kids who have tried to take something out of his mouth. There are also leash laws out there. If the guy doesn’t even follow the leash law then does he pick up his dogs crap or does that not apply either? Is his dog vaccinated against rabies because that is also a law?

Cardinal's avatar

You should never hit an animal! Your friend a mean and bound to run into big problems with that mindset. Watch yourself.

augustlan's avatar

Leash, leash, leash. Then he wouldn’t need to be trained not to walk into the street.

gailcalled's avatar

Try hitting your buddy when he does something 1) antisocial, 2) you don’t like or 3) irritating, according to your standards. See how he likes it and whether he can be trained to alter his behavior.

oasis's avatar

Put they guy on a leash and lash the living daylights out of him.

Only then will he get a personal perspective of what “train with pain” is!

oasis's avatar

In fact,send this clown round to see my Bull Terrier.

oasis's avatar

In fact,get me his address,i will lash the fuck outof him!

PupnTaco's avatar

NEVER. See my friend’s web site for some guidelines. She’s a local dog behaviorist and trainer.

rooeytoo's avatar

I have been in the dog business for over 30 years and when a dog tries to bite me, it gets a quick correction, usually a smart slap on the nose. A dog who bites will end up getting itself killed so I figure a smack to teach it is a better alternative. Positive reinforcement works on some dogs but not others. There is no one way to teach all dogs.

marinelife's avatar

I think your buddy has poor dog handling skills.

I shudder to think what your child rearing ideas are. Dogs do not understand hitting in their own hierarchy. There are more effective ways to train them todo what your friend’s dog does if that is the goal.

Great, your friend terrorized a dog. What a big man he is.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar


If you do, your dog will be well trained but will hate you…

Marley's avatar

I’m a Cesar fan and we don’t believe in hurting dogs to train them

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