General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What's your favorite thing about the person you love the most?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 10th, 2009

Also, what is your relationship to the person you love the most (spouse, parent, child, etc)

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35 Answers

Judi's avatar

The part that no one else see’s The vulnerable little boy inside who just wants to be loved. He’s a “manly man” so others rarely see this side. (He’s my hubby)

jca's avatar

my daughter is 19 months old and it’s difficult to pinpoint one thing but i would say she is so so cute. she’s also funny.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband would do anything for me. I know that I can count on him to always be here for me when I need him most.

tinyfaery's avatar

I love my wife more than anything in the world. My favorite thing about her, that isn’t directly related to our relationship, is that she is a truly kind person. She treats everyone the same, with acceptance and empathy.

Allie's avatar

Right now it’s my mom. I love… her.

I know I can always depend one her no matter what. She’s someone who I can confide in with everything. She’s also one of the funniest people in the world. She makes me laugh constantly. Actually, my whole family makes me laugh. We are quite the bunch.

cdwccrn's avatar

My husband. He has a good soul. He leaves no doubt in my mind that I am cherished. I am spoiled rotten. I also love his politics and theology.

AstroChuck's avatar

That person would be my wife and my favorite thing about her would be her taste in men.

cdwccrn's avatar

@AC, you are always good for a smile:)

janbb's avatar

My husband because I can count on him to come through for me (even when he doesn’t want to.) :-)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

My husband. After being together for 43 years, he respects me & spoils me yet. He always opens doors for me, lets me walk first, lets me sleep in in the mornings & 100 other little things he does for me.

cookieman's avatar

Well I can’t choose between my wife and my daughter – but it’s the same for both if them.

They have a capacity for love and compassion that gives me hope for humanity in general.

of course, that’s no. 1 out of 400 other things

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

My husband, who is now deceased, because he let me be myself and because he made me feel loved.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

She is, literally, the smartest, best person I’ve ever known and I know that I will meet no one that rivals her the rest of my lifetime. She cares about things, more than anyone I’ve met. She knows herself, more than anyone I’ve met. She is an individual, more than anyone I’ve met. She loves me back and is very protective and caring.

She is my sister.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Really? My sister’s a witch!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt Absolutely. Growing up, people of all ages used to comment on how bizarre it was that the two of us were so close. Most siblings we knew couldn’t stand each other and neither of us could ever figure out how that was even possible. :)

andrew's avatar

She makes me laugh.

gimmedat's avatar

My husband loves me more than anything in the world.

My daughter describes me as a bigger version of her.

My oldest son’s the most caring middle schooler ever.

My youngest son is an 80-year-old man trapped in a boy’s body.

My sister has a ton of grace.

I love them all so much, I couldn’t pick just one!

laureth's avatar

My husband is one of the most devoted people I’ve ever met.

True story: His ex-wife was going to throw a New Year’s party, but didn’t want to leave the house to drive a mile to the grocery store to pick up the party snacks. At the time, he had a broken elbow and couldn’t drive, so he walked a mile in deep snow and carried her groceries back in his backpack. When he returned, she said, “You didn’t get enough!” and made him walk to the grocery store – again.

She didn’t appreciate him. I’m glad he found someone who does. :)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

My daughters. They are open, accepting, and compassionate young women who only see the good in other people. My oldest daughter has an amazing mind, my youngest wears her heart on her sleeve.

asmonet's avatar

He makes me feel okay with myself.

That’s pretty big.

adri027's avatar

She’s small, cute, and innocent.

And that one guy that’s a complete asshole at times : )

I love them!

miasmom's avatar

my hubby, he treats me so well and when I am sad he can always cheer me up

EmpressPixie's avatar

Well, I hesitate to rank those I love, but since my boyfriend is sitting right beside me, I’m going to go with him. Um. I’m gonna go with he makes me smile, even when he’s being mean.

Cheesy! He says. What about my brilliant cat? See what I mean about being mean?

shadling21's avatar

@EmpressPixie – Agreed on the ranking issue.

I will choose the first person to pop into my head when I read the question. I certainly love other people as well, and maybe more.

I thought of my best friend who I may or may not have a crush on. The best thing about him is that he’s stubborn. There is something about the strengths of his opinions that charms me.

shadling21's avatar

Oh, God, if I thought of him first, does that mean I’m in love with him?

cookieman's avatar


augustlan's avatar

My husband is a huge guy, with a permanent scowl. Grown men quiver in his presence. He holds me tight, and says ‘Don’t worry Zambini, everything will be alright.’ He sings to me, and dances me around the living room. He’s a softie underneath that scowl :)

My daughters. Just the fact that they are who they are!

nebule's avatar

My son age 2
His playfulness, His innocence and His confidence
more than anything
which I sincerely hope will not get crushed
by the world
as it seems it has already begun to do…unfortunately
as it does

Jack79's avatar

Her smile :)

janbb's avatar

I agree with the ranking issue because I certainly my sons as much, although differently, from my husband. (Not to mention Princie, my beautiful cocker who died two years ago.)

annielorena's avatar

my bf sometimes the things that come out of his mouth would make madonna blush, but i find them hilarious. oh and the way he laughs it makes me melt.

acebamboo77's avatar

my bf, my man, my everything.
some see him as a real asshole, and others see him as an eccentric but ive known him for so long and we are so close that i see the same little boy he was 10 years ago and how hes grown into a man.
we are in long distant relationship, so i would have to say the thing i love the most, right now, is what he does every time he gets in or out of bed, when i am home.
whether its sliding into bed when im already asleep, or getting up for work in the morning, he always leans in looks at me n smiles, kisses me on the cheek or the forehead, and whispers he loves me.

and yes, i’m not always asleep when he does it, but i like to pretend and sometimes he wakes me in the process

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

My wife, because she loves me even when I am at my worst. She does her professional caregiver job for very little pay that I wouldn’t do for fifty times the money. She works with mentally retarded adults, and most of them are so profoundly disabled that she feeds and toilets them. I could never do that, not in a million years.

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