General Question

wundayatta's avatar

When you answer the "where I've lived" question in your bio, what order do you put the places in?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 12th, 2009

Is you current abode first, and then you list them in chronological order back to the beginning? Or, do you put the earliest living place first, and your current place last? Or is it some other way?

Mostly I’m interested in where you put your current abode: first, last, or elsewhere.

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13 Answers

Grisson's avatar

Totally random, apparently.

bythebay's avatar

I put my current address first as it is most relevant.

robmandu's avatar

Earliest to latest. So my current is at the end.

However, I don’t relist the repeats. Just the first occurrence.

bythebay's avatar

Ok daloon: you have a random, a first and a last – good luck!

Jeruba's avatar

The one that sounded most poetic.

When I look at people’s lists, though, I always hope I’ll see the current one first.

jonsblond's avatar

The ones that came to my mind first, no specific order.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I agree with rob. Earliest to latest.

Sakata's avatar

Right now I have “Damn near everywhere” but before I change it they were all alphabetical.

row4food's avatar

where i live now, where i grew up, where i lived while away at school

scamp's avatar

First to last, since we read left to right, and it just seemed to be the right way to do it to me.

SuperMouse's avatar

I live in The Cornfield now and it is listed first. There is no middle however, only current and previous.

Darwin's avatar

Where I live currently is at the top of the list on the page because that is the most important in a written bio or resume.

However, if I am just telling someone where all I have lived I go from oldest to newest. It’s easier to remember all those different places all that way.

augustlan's avatar

Oldest to newest. So current is last.

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