General Question

EmpressPixie's avatar

How do you feel about the story of Marcus Schrenker?

Asked by EmpressPixie (14760points) January 14th, 2009

See here for a nice timeline:,2933,479883,00.html

Basically, to escape prosecutors he took off in a place, faked a crash, parachuted to safety, got a ride from the cops as a crashed canoer, escaped to his stashed motorcycle, and took off for a camp ground (where he slashed at least one wrist, it can’t all be made-for-the-movies awesome).

I really just want thoughts. And perhaps your plans for similarly marvelous escapes.

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13 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

Ridiculous, that’s what I think. What an idiot. But I guess that’s what happens when people watch movies and listen to stories of DB Cooper.

The fact that he put his plane on autopilot, and it only missed crashing into a town by 75 yards, should really add a hefty layer onto his sentencing.

syz's avatar

NPR referred to it as “shocking” and “daring”. I say stupid, poorly planned, poorly executed, selfish and cowardly.

asmonet's avatar

Bit of a retard.

robmandu's avatar

Wow… that dude is a bit of awesome stupidsauce.

The fact that he “holed up” at a campground leads me to believe he had no further plans from that point. Well, that… and the slit wrist.

So, he was out of ideas and out of options.

Srsly, people! If you’re gonna plan a getaway, it absolutely must involve:

- fake id
– crossing national borders
– wads of cash and/or secret offshore bank account(s)

Darwin's avatar

And chocolate! You always need chocolate in emergencies.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Well, I basically thought it was awesome-sauce up until the last part. For a while they thought he was out of the country because he had a bike and no one could find him. And at that point, I thought it was awesome. I mean, awful for the people involved, but on some level: awesome. Because if I ever need to make my escape, I totally want it to be so over the top.

That last bit? Yeah. He could have done that without leaving home.

asmonet's avatar

@Darwin: Especially if there’s a chance of Dementors.

scarletm333's avatar

Had this idiot bailed out just a few seconds later, that plane could have hit my house. He’s lucky to have lived so he can spend the rest of his life suffering.
selfish, arrogant…..

Allie's avatar

Quite ridiculous and over the top. We can’t all be MacGyver.

edit: MacGyver was way smarter than this fool. I take that statement back and apologize to MacGyver for ever comparing him to “idiot pilot.”

robmandu's avatar

@Allie, I think you were meaning MacGruber.

asmonet's avatar

@Allie: Damn straight you take that back.

robmandu's avatar

Wired Magazine compiled a list of Great Capers of 2008.

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