General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What's your groupie experience?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 17th, 2009

Either being one or having some.

How did it happen and how did it go down?

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14 Answers

judochop's avatar

Anyone that would want to sleep with me after I have been sweating on stage for 2 hours, sleeping in a van and running on few hours sleep for a couple of weeks has got to be crazy.
I never really ran in to this while on the road but occasionally there would be something that would kind of come up. I always kind of thought those girls were a little bit gross just due to the fact that I probably smelled, my clothes were wet from sweat and they had no idea of who I am.
Groupies most likely carry herpes or some type of VD that would require antibiotics and that really is not my style.
I’ve never kicked myself for not sleeping with any of them, but again…Not like there were many of them anyway.
We did tour with a band once that did the groupie thing and they really kind of looked gross leaving the hotel the next morning.

asmonet's avatar

Never been one, but that’s just because I wasn’t alive in 1956. Or 1968 for that matter.

KingMalefic's avatar

For anyone wondering Asmonet is talking about Elvis and David Bowie.

DrBill's avatar

Does this apply to college Prof. I had several students who wanted to “improve their grades”

KingMalefic's avatar

@asmonet : Nuts you linked it… and I am so out of it I posted this response in a different thread…. Crap

asmonet's avatar

I was thinking David Bowie too. You are correct, sir!

loser's avatar

I’ve had a couple of groupies but that was about it; a couple. Um, no thanks!

shadling21's avatar

@DrBill – Did they improve their grades?

I have never been nor had a groupie and would not want to be nor have one.

elijah's avatar

Ive worked for/ been a guest of many many shows. I’ve never slept with any of the guys, but we have had some crazy nights partying. There are these two girls that come down from Canada that will do anything with anyone. They just get passed around. I think the guys respect me more since I’m the girl that says no.

DrBill's avatar

At the time I was Married, I was flattered at the offers, but I knew they were only after the grades.

No offers accepted, no grades improved.

galileogirl's avatar

I’ve never had one until I came to Fluther. I have been told several times by posters that they have followed all my posts and then gone on to say I am too smart to (fill in the blank).

Wait a minute, what’s the difference between a groupie and a stalker?

unused_bagels's avatar

I wish I had some kinda experience to answer this question. Now I feel like a chapter of my life is forever lost…

Blondesjon's avatar


[waves his hands frantically in front of his tear streaked face]

He is sooo beautiful and…um… ahem…I mean, uh, you asked groupies? I have no idea what you mean. That’s chick shit man!

i love you lb

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I grinded with David Melillo when he opened for HelloGoodbye, but that’s about it. If I had my choice, I’d do the drummer from Bloc Party (seen them twice), assuming that reality is playing a part (ie not Elvis).

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