General Question

syz's avatar

Why is the Post Office flying the flag at half mast today?

Asked by syz (35953points) January 28th, 2009

Did I miss something?

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17 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Because it’s Jackson Pollock’s birthday!

marinelife's avatar

It depends on what state you are in. It can be a local (state) reason.

arnbev959's avatar

It could be something local.

edit: Marina beat me.

tonedef's avatar

There’s a good chance that it’s because Charlemagne died on this day in 814. Although this is just one possibility out of many.

Edit: I was joking here, but it might have been too dry.

eponymoushipster's avatar

well, the Post Office is pretty old. But it swears this has never happened before!

shilolo's avatar

John Updike (the great American writer) died yesterday…perhaps that is the reason?

Welcome back, Marina

shilolo's avatar

You’re in North Carolina, right? Seems to be in honor of former Governor Bob Scott, supposedly until the 27th. Maybe your local office didn’t get the memo to stop yesterday?

marinelife's avatar

Thanks, shi. I think you have hit it. Usually it is pols that get honors not writers. :)

syz's avatar

Ah, I suspect shilolo is correct (as usual).

Raggedy_Ann's avatar

I’m going to guess that it’s due to the Challenger space shuttle explosion 23 years ago.

robmandu's avatar

Here’s are the reasons why to fly the flag half staff, in general.

The only thing I can find of national significance on January 27 is the death of the crew of Apollo 1 in a fire during a test.

Haven’t noticed if the flags are flying half-mast in Maryland. Are we sure it’s a NC-only thing?

shilolo's avatar

@robmandu. The press release above seemed to provide a reliable explanation (in honor of former NC governor Bob Scott). Besides, today is the 28th… :-)

robmandu's avatar

WTF? Next you’re gonna tell me it’s 2009. Ppppfffffbbbbttt.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Ummm…memo to all: It’s half staff not half mast. Please flog yourself in accordance with your own religious affiliations guidelines.

robmandu's avatar

hah! Was wondering if anyone’d notice. Still, I’ll flog myself for wrecking this thread so thoroughly anyway.

jca's avatar

did you hear they may stop delivering mail on saturdays?

ArthurA2umad's avatar

In Illinois:
Governor Quinn has ordered that all State-occupied facilities fly the flag of the United States of America and Illinois flags at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on the day of the funeral of every fallen Illinois soldier. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact CMS General Facilities Manager Michael Dobson at

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