General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Astrochuck notwithstanding, do you notice a wide variation in the tone of your answers from day to day?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 28th, 2009

The Astrochuck part is that he seems to be consistantly amusing every day. I, on the other hand, have days when all I want to do is be snarky or tell amusing stories. On other days, I couldn’t be funny (on purpose) to save my life. I get into serious mode, and wonder at my other self who can be light and amusing. I don’t know what factors cause these changes.

Do you notice similar changes in your attitude and tone of answers from day to day? What is that change like? What do you think causes that change?

Astrochuck—if you feel that you have more variation in tone than I have described here, please feel free to set me straight.

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34 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

i’m guessing this is a question where everyone will comment on everyone else’s comment, but i think, in the relatively short time i’ve been on fluther, that my tone is generally the same. some days i simply feel more chatty than others.

how my comments sound (at least to me) is pretty much how i sound in real life. except in real life, i have a smooth, bass-filed, sexy voice. i’m like the capt. picard of the library.

marinelife's avatar

My mood can impact my tone. If I notice I am too snarky, I refrain from Fluthering for a while.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I do, Sometimes I find myself being entirely witchy, when I don’t think i usually am that way.

I wish it was like on LiveJournal, where you could post your mood. Like today we have an ice storm, my power went out, I have no heat, no warm food. My husband took my car to go to work and is planning to sleep at his warm office tonight. He took care of food for himself, leaving me to fend on my own. I am just a little bit edgy. I feel weird about sleeping on a neighbor’s couch, but really don’t want to sleep in a house with no heat.

mangeons's avatar

It depends more on the question for me, and my mood does impact my answers somewhat. Also, who I’m answering to makes a difference.

mangeons's avatar

Aww, poor Alfreda! D:

marinelife's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock Hang in there. No power stops being amusing after about four hours.

mangeons's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock Maybe light a bunch of candles and read a good novel to pass the time, with a nice, warm blanket? sends you all supplies needed for a good power outage

asmonet's avatar

Sometimes, like today…I can be a bit short with people other times, I’m happy-go-lucky. No matter which it is, I’m usually just having fun but there is a small change in tone, yes.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

The power was out for 7 days in September, and I was fine, listening to classical music on the portable radio, and writing letters on the porch by candlelight. It’s the cold thing that gets to me. Not that I usually mind the cold, but I am just a wee bit cranky this time around.

marinelife's avatar

@AP Depending on when it went off, you may still have hot water in your tank (since they are well insulated, they stay warm while). Hot bath before bed? Do you have a way (top of wood stove or something) to heat water for cocoa or soup?

jasongarrett's avatar

The likelihood that I will answer questions varies from day to day, but I think my tone stays pretty even. I try hard (but not always successfully) to resist being an ass when the urge arises.

cyndyh's avatar

My tone is different not just day to day but hour to hour or sometimes question to question. Sometimes the question is serious and seems to be someone seriously asking for help or advice. Sometimes the question sounds more playful. Sometimes the question seems neutral or open to different types of answers, and the answers so far have been of one tone or mindset and I’ll have something to say if I’m offering something different.

Sometimes I just have more energy for answering completely, or I have less energy and a one-liner says all I care to say.

Sometimes the topic is about love and relationships and the stuff we want to live for, and sometimes the topic is kissing your ass right smack dab in the middle of Brazil. :^>

Basically, I think all different things can cause the change.

@eponymoushipster: Lurve for “smooth, bass-filed, sexy voice”. I’m loving the thoughts that brings to mind.

wundayatta's avatar

<—-Brazilian ass-kissing: ain’t no better kind!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I think I do still have hot water, as it’s a gas heater. Not sure if the thermostat is electric- but I will find out. No way to heat water, alas. Daughter has the camp stove from this summer. I’ve glued my fanny to a chair at my end-of-the-street independently owned coffee shop.

More and more wires have come down as the day has progressed. This is not looking too good for tomorrow. My poor cats have been quite vocal about the chilliness. Let’s hope the pipes don’t freeze tonight.

wundayatta's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock: how are you connecting to the internet and running a computer without power? Batteries? Phone lines?

augustlan's avatar


I definitely have different tones. Usually, I’m not terribly bitchy, but I can certainly be more playful or more serious. Like cyndyh, I think it varies due to many different things. My mood, time of day (late night Fluthering is fun!), seriousness of the question, and the mood of Fluther in general.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@cyndyh thanks. <wink> and i agree with you: some questions are asking for a dry or snarky response, and some are obviously quite the opposite, serious and straightforward.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@daloon, one of the advantages of living “in town” is that there’s coffee shops within walkable distance. The coffee shop on the main street near me has power, even though the grocery at the other end of the block does not. I’m not sure about restaurants, because I haven’t wanted to give up my seat next to the power outlet. Half of my neighbors across the street have power. When the subject comes up about the need to renovate the power grid, I’m all for it. Once I head home, it’s into the Ice Age…

cyndyh's avatar

@daloon: <smack> I do prefer the left cheek.

@eponymoushipster: So, describe your voice some more for me. :^>

marinelife's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock Don’t foprget the tried and true idea of festooning oneself with electric cats.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Marina, perhaps the friction of the cat on the carpeting can generate heat! I am getting to see a lot of neighbors…everyone has passed through this place at some point. Some more than once. Oh my…power repair guy said it could be 10 days. Holy Spoot.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock 10 days?! good grief, you might need to forage in the woods, find a deer, skin it, get all Jeremiah Johnson. just don’t go trotting through any indian burial grounds!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Well, signing off for the evening. Back into the cold…

AstroChuck's avatar

Point of order- Its AstroChuck, not Astrochuck.

loser's avatar

Wow! I do believe the whole tone of this just changed!

augustlan's avatar

Good luck Alfreda! Sending you warm thoughts.

cyndyh's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock: I’m sending thoughts of warm slippers, a thick toasty robe, and a cup of hot cocoa.

chyna's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock Hot chicken noodle soup and M&M’s to warm you

gooch's avatar

Yes my mood impacts my answers. If I answer agressive I will vanish for a few weeks until I chill.

Knotmyday's avatar

Work impacts my answering style. Busy = brevity; pith notwithstanding. I’m very busy this week.

fireside's avatar

I think that i am on a pretty even keel right now.

There are times when i have too much going on and I tend to be a bit short, but that’s when I say to myself, “Self, you should get your shit done and then come back”

wundayatta's avatar

@AstroChuck: you are like a god to me! <grovel, grovel>
they say flattery will get you anywhere

@cyndyh: mmmmmm

cyndyh's avatar

lol too funny :^>

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