General Question

tennesseejac's avatar

What do you think about people who wear sunglasses when they are inside?

Asked by tennesseejac (3778points) January 29th, 2009

i dont get it. i spend much of my time in the airport and see this quite often, does this mean they are automatically “cool” or maybe they have a lazy eye?

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25 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

Hungover, douchey, or both.

Once, I thought I was a cool teenager and wore my sunglasses on Pirates of the Carribean. The guy in front of me turned around and said mockingly, “it’s pretty dark in here, huh?” I paused for a moment and said quietly with a straight face, “it is if you’re blind.” He felt like crap. We laughed after he got off the ride.

Teenagers, pshhhhhh.

buster's avatar

I wonder if they are a drug addict that don’t want nobody to see their dilated/constricted pupils.

Trustinglife's avatar

I think they look funny. Unless they’re David Ortiz. (That picture is from his US citizenship swearing-in ceremony!) Even then it looks funny.

jrpowell's avatar

@PupnTaco :: It could always be worse.

RollForReflex's avatar

They enjoy the 1980’s a little TOO much….

Iphone35's avatar

really, I thought they might be undercover :-)... You never know

PupnTaco's avatar

@johnpowell: Oy, I cringed at that when it happened. But it also reinforced everything I believe about Bush.

Iphone35's avatar

or they may be rebels not trying to be/ or please everyone else…. being different.

tyrantxseries's avatar

I wear sunglasses all the time(night/day, inside/outside) I have extreme light sensitivity that give me really bad headaches(worse than migraines),not caused by drugs or alcohol(I haven’t done either in years), I always get the smart ass comments,really pisses me off

loser's avatar

They usually creep me out a little bit unless I can see that they have a cane or guide dog with them. But I can’t really talk because my eyes are really light sensitive too and I often wear them indoors myself.

Bluefreedom's avatar

About the same way as I feel regarding those that wear their sunglasses at night – I don’t get it.

SoapChef's avatar

I don’t even think twice about it actually.
@johnpowell lurve for that link. God, I don’t miss him.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I also think light sensitivity or blindness first. Until shown otherwise.

I just looked up the lyrics for that old song. o_O Dumbest amalgamation of words. EVER!

asmonet's avatar

I like it as I find it similar to wearing a name tag that says:

Hello, my name is COMPLETE DOUCHEBAG.

btko's avatar

douche. bag.

Blondesjon's avatar

Perhaps they are that fucking cool.

arnbev959's avatar

I didn’t realize people had such strong opinions about this.

It’s silly if there isn’t a reason behind it, but hey, if you want to wear ‘em, wear ‘em.

whackyrusty's avatar

Even poker players can’t get away with it. Except maybe this guy…

TaoSan's avatar

Wasn’t there some 80s song “Sunglasses at night”?

tinyfaery's avatar

I wear glasses and I cannot see without them. As such, I have prescription sunglasses. If I am just running in somewhere for a few minutes I do not bother to change from my sunglasses to my regular glasses; I see no point. When I get to work in the morning I wear my sunglasses all the way up to the 20th floor and into the office. I usually have stuff in my hands and I am not going to fumble around to change my glasses.

Judgmental much?

elijah's avatar

I wear sunglasses every day of the year. My eyes are extremely sensitive. They water and burn in sunlight. I do not wear them at night or indoors. I do get a lot of strange looks on days when most people don’t think it’s very sunny, but I don’t really care. I love big sunglasses.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I think they are blind or narcissistic.

googlybear's avatar

They’re only cool if they wear sunglasses inside and have a mullet…otherwise it’s just not cool…

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i wear my sunglasses indoor quite often, and it’s not because i’m conceited, on drugs, undead, blind, a douchebag, undercover, or in love with the 80s.
more often it’s because i’ve been outside for awhile and know that my mascara/eyeliner probably looks disgusting, so i feel more comfortable with my eyes covered. or i didn’t put any makeup on and look really tired/my eyes are like puffy. or i just don’t feel like taking my goddamn sunglasses off.

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