General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Why does my hair look better the day after I wash, condition, and style?

Asked by tinyfaery (44129points) February 9th, 2009

I spend so much time on my hair, and it looks good, but it always looks better the next day. What’s up with that?

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10 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

This is a well-known phenomenon called the Fonducci Effect. You can see examples at the link I provided.

Hell! What do I know about hair? Aren’t there people on TV who do this? Sort of a wife-swapping for hair stylists? My kids watch it.

[Edit] The TV show is called Split Ends.

tinyfaery's avatar

Huh? Is that a joke? Cuz I don’t get it.

wundayatta's avatar

Yes. A joke.

Obviously a failed one. Sorry.

delirium's avatar

A bit of oil does hair good.

Vinifera7's avatar

Using shampoo strips most of the natural oils from your hair. Conditioner attempts to replace some of the nutrients and oils, but still doesn’t work as good as the natural stuff.

I tried going No Poo for a month, but I caved and started using shampoo again. My hair felt great after not using shampoo for three weeks, but it eventually got somewhat nasty by the fourth week.

marinelife's avatar

@tinyfaery Mine does too. I have wondered the same thing. Is it dryness after washing (don’t know why as I use conditioner)? Mine always looks better the second day.

augustlan's avatar

I’m going to agree w/ del and Vin. It’s your hair’s natural oil doing it’s job. My hair is so dry that no amount of conditioner ever puts all the moisture back…and I only shampoo every other day at the most.

poofandmook's avatar

Mine doesn’t look better the next day. My particular style needs “fresh” hair every day for optimum result. It doesn’t look bad the next day… just not as good.

desiree333's avatar

mine depends. If Im wearing it straightened then it looks best the day of. Curly looks best the day after, and so does the hippie-kinda style I do sometimes.

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