General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Lost and lost, lost and found, or lost that you wish had remained lost?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) February 19th, 2009

Choose one or more:
What have you lost, and are still upset that it remains lost to this day?
What have you lost, and were totally relieved to find?
What have you lost, and, like the bad penny that always turns up, you wish had remained lost?

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24 Answers

emt333's avatar

1) my youth
2) my inhibitions
3) my ex

Bri_L's avatar

1. My childhood
2. My youth
3. Someone to have sex with

dynamicduo's avatar

What have you lost, and were totally relieved to find?

The only time I borrowed my partner’s iPod (a fat iPod Mini), I lost it. It slipped out of my pocket at university and I only noticed while on the bus ride home. This was totally uncharacteristic of me, as I am usually aware if not slightly paranoid about having my belongings in my pockets before I go somewhere. Luckily a kind soul had turned it in to the Lost and Found department on campus, so I was able to retrieve it the next day. I think the fact that the iPod was engraved with my partner’s name contributed to its successful return.

jonsblond's avatar

1. My dolphin link bracelet that I got from my husband for our ten year anniversary.
2. My happiness.
3. Bad case of shingles.

elijah's avatar

I lost my first iPhone, actually I left it in a bathroom stall and when I went back 3 minutes later it was gone, so I guess it also counts as stolen. Anyway I bought a new one a couple days later. About 4 months later I get a call from apple saying someone found my phone and called them, and is it ok if they contacted me. I said yes. So the guy calls me, gives me a story about how he found this phone in his daughters room, she said she found it and he wants to return it because it’s the “Christian Thing” to do. I agree to meet him and when he shows up his whole story changed. Now he says he bought it off someone, and he won’t give it back unless I give him the 200 he paid. Now I figure out that because he couldn’t figure out how to hack into it, now he was screwed. Basically I told him it was stolen, and he was stupid to buy a stolen phone and I’m not giving him a penny. He was such a dumbass because now apple knew his name and number, and I wrote down his license plate. I told him I would just call the cops. So he gave it back and got all pissed off. I smiled and thanked him for doing the “Christian Thing”.
So basically I was relieved to get it back, but more happy that I screwed over a thief.

nebule's avatar

1. innate confidence
2. i lost my son for a split second the other day
3. the desire to study

Bri_L's avatar

@lynneblundell Oh my gosh! I know that terrifying gut wrenching feeling when you don’t know where your son/daughter is. I shuddered when I read that.

GAMBIT's avatar

I lost my ability to play guitar because I stopped practicing. Since I started playing again it is coming back.

I lost my ego but as soon as I started getting successful it has returned. Need to work on humility again.

miasmom's avatar

I lost some weight, but then the other day it showed up again. :(

Emdean1's avatar

1) My gold Emerald necklace that my father bought for me when i was 13. I still think my mother took it and sold it for drug money.
2) I left my cell phone in a taxi, I got home ane I text my phone if you find me call (my boyfriends number)The Cabbie called and said he would drop my phone off if i gave him back his Browns lighter.It was great :)

flameboi's avatar

1. A love long gone that never came back
2. They joy of living
3. A love that haunts me form time to time (a different one from 1.)

cookieman's avatar

1) My belief in most people.
There are very few people I trust or believe a word that comes out of their mouth. It makes me sad that I’m like this.

2) My wedding band.
I lost it for two years and found it a few months ago. I was so relieved as it means the world to me.

3) Certain relatives.
But I’m working on it.

Judi's avatar

1. My baby Brother who died
2. I am famous for loosing my wallet but it always comes back to me completely in tact.
3. That swimsuit from my fat days

elchoopanebre's avatar

1. My motivation.
2. Balance/purpose in my life.
3. My hypocritical nature.

fireside's avatar

1. There’s this one girl
2. There’s this one girl
3. There’s this one girl

ibadt's avatar

2. My purse in one of trams at the Newark airport. I have never been so scared in my life.

Darwin's avatar

1) My wedding ring. For this anniversary (number twenty) we are going to buy each other new ones. My husband’s has gotten all misshapen because he always wore it when doing yard work, so he needs a new one, too.

2) My husband’s medication bag, including his insulin. We accidentally left it on the Super Shuttle in Washington D.C. and they gave us a huge run around about getting it back to us, saying we had to drive to Baltimore to get it. This kept up until we told them how our driver had been required by the supervisor to return sunglasses left on the shuttle on a previous trip and so took us out of our way to stop and drop it off. When I suggested that perhaps my lawyer could explain the difference they put it on the next outgoing shuttle and we got it within two hours.

3) About 600 pounds of body fat lost over the years.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

A journal I made right after getting married.. full of all kinds of immature, teenager crap.. that could have stayed lost and I’d have been great with that.

Jack79's avatar

Lost my jacket, and found it (it was my favourite one). Only to have my mother throw it away later.

Lost my wallet twice within a month, found it both times because there was an ID in it. Glad of course, and paid one of the people a finder’s fee (he was a poor immigrant). The other was a neighbour who would have been insulted if I’d offered money.

Lost my toolbox, but I think it was simply one day when I’d left the door open. No big deal.

Lost half of my guitar (it could be taken apart) and am still looking for it everywhere. Been over a decade, no idea where it could be.

90s_kid's avatar

1) Rebecca
2)My non-emo life
3)Won’t say….(but not offenseive to anyone on Fluther)

Bellatrix's avatar

I lost my grandmother’s wedding ring! I have worn it for about 20 years and took it off because I had a mozzie bite on my finger and the ring was rubbing on it. Now I can’t find it. It’s over 100 years old and I am so upset.

Jeruba's avatar

I understand your sense of loss, @Mz_Lizzy. Here’s an idea—maybe worthless, but you could try it.

Put some other ring on that finger. Wear it for a while. Then take it off and put it someplace for safekeeping. Where is that place?

I do hope you checked all the wastebaskets before you emptied them. More than one ring has slipped off and nearly escaped that way.

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you Jeruba. I was so upset BUT…. I remembered putting it in one of those little boxes jewellery comes in from the jewellers .. so I went through all of them…nothing. THEN I found one in the top of the bathroom cupboard. I must have put it in there when I had a shower or something and phew .. it was there. So relieved. I could lose any piece of jewellery I own but that is very precious. My grandmother was incredibly important to me and for all I don’t believe in the hereafter, it sort of gives me strength to wear it. She was such a strong and amazing woman.

When I was a child, my dad gave me a heart made of perspex with a little anchor pressed into it. He made it for my mother during WW2 and he gave it to me when she died. I lost it. To this day I feel a sense of loss over that piece. I was really too young to have been given it but I never told my dad. I felt too guilty.

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