General Question

galileogirl's avatar

Who lives in a city without a newspaper?

Asked by galileogirl (12707points) February 27th, 2009

It looks like we are going to lose the San Francisco Chronicle. The paper will either disappear or be bought by a national media corp and end up as an homogenized, USAToday clone with no informatinn about local politics or issues.

What has happened in other city’s where an independent newspaper is no longer economically feasible?

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9 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

People have turned to the internet. It’s a sad state of affairs iyam.

galileogirl's avatar

The sad fact is that one of best news sites in the country is SFGate. If the paper goes, it’s website goes, too.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Well what I mean is they don’t even go to a newspaper site… they go to any number of non-newspaper sites to get their info.

wilburzel's avatar

Nothing like a newspaper and cup of coffee in the morning. Long live newspapers.

augustlan's avatar

The sorry ass excuse for a local paper that we get here might as well shutter their doors. It sucks and I mostly ignore it. My old town has a great paper, which I still like to pick up when I am there. I’d hate to see it go. Luckily, I am close enough to DC to get the Sunday Washington Post, too.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Ours has become a compilation of news from other papers.

SeventhSense's avatar

I can do without paper but it’s sad when a good newspaper goes under. Unfortunately it’s a national epidemic. People are not buying newspapers. Personally I can understand. I much prefer to read news from the NY Times website than kill half a tree to read the Sunday edition. That thing’s a tome.

galileogirl's avatar

The New York Times and my much enjoyed SFGate websites will soon be paid sites. Some of us will pay but I fear a greater gap between the knowledgeable and the know-nothings

SeventhSense's avatar

I think there will be those of us who want information and want to be informed and there will always be those who don’t care. The misinformation from the likes of Fox News, the NY Post and other trash news sources is sometimes even more damaging but I do agree the gap may be widening.

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