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casheroo's avatar

Does your significant make noises that annoy you?

Asked by casheroo (18111points) March 2nd, 2009

As I lay next to my husband in bed, he is doing the most annoying thing in the world. He moans in his sleep.
I kick him usually, to get him to stop. Or just wake him up entirely if he won’t stop. Sometimes he’s half asleep while he does it, which aggravates me even more. He denies knowing why he makes these noises.

Does your SO do something in bed that annoys you, like this? How do you deal with it?

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18 Answers

LouisianaGirl's avatar

my moms boyfriend snores, moans, and groans in his sleep and it gets on my nerves and I cant sleep.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I was once bedfellow to a guy who would, when he thought I was in deep, deep sleep, stroke my arm, kiss my neck, play with my hair, etc., all of which was uninvited. Not a noise, but it was definitely annoying.

I was once told that I snore by someone I spent the night with ONCE, but my roommate, exboyfriend, and best friends (who have slept in my bed with me) all said that I don’t, so I’m going to believe them.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@TitsMcGhee oh my GOD thats like sexual harrasement.

jonsblond's avatar

Snoring is the only one. If it gets too bad, I usually just end up in my daughters bed. I’m a very light sleeper. It sucks!

Likeradar's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Was this bed fellow a romantic partner, or a dude you shared a bed with for whatever other reason?

I like when my usual bed fellow touches me like that when he thinks I’m asleep. But then again, he’s my boyfriend.

I used to occasionally share a bed with a heavy smoker. Not only would he cough, wheeze, and snore really loudly in his sleep, but he’d wake up in the middle of the night to smoke. Arrrgggghhhh.

jonsblond's avatar

@Likeradar I’ve heard of waking up to eat, but waking up to smoke? You poor thing. Actually he is, you got rid of him! :P

Likeradar's avatar

@jonsblond Ugh, it was so disgusting. I’m a smoker, but he was a smoker… it would be multiple times a night, and the stink was so bad I’d wake up every time. Ick.

Judi's avatar

I have to constantly (but gently) ask him to close his mouth when he chews gum.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Likeradar and @LouisianaGirl: It happened twice (actually with guys with the same name…) The first time, I was only in this guy’s bed because I was too tired to drive home, and I didn’t want to sleep on the couch because I had previously been accosted by his housemate who, drunk and naked, begged me to have sex with him. My friend, the guy’s cousin, told me that he slept with a lot of girls but didn’t get a lot of affection, and he missed his girlfriend (whom he constantly cheated on). It was still totally uncalled for. The second was someone with whom I’d had a one night stand, and he came to visit, looking for it to happen again, but I wasn’t down, so I just went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to him spooning me and stroking my arm and whatnot… Ugh.

RandomMrdan's avatar

@TitsMcGhee wow, I’m not sure how you could put up with that for even a moment. I’d be up and on the couch in an instant… unless of course the roles were reversed and it was an attractive woman kissing up on me and caressing my arm.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@RandomMrdan: It’s for sure strange and disconcerting to wake up to, as well as awkward to address. I mean, at least they weren’t trying to put it in my butt or anything, so I guess it could be worse…

casheroo's avatar

ugh, i cannot stand to be touched in my sleep. i don’t even know what i would do in that situation.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I would be fine with it if was someone I wanted touching me…

BONZO's avatar

unfortunately only the fake noises

dlm812's avatar

I’ll be honest – I am definitely the one in our relationship who does the annoying sleep sounds. I lightly snore when I’m really tired, I make little noises like “uhn” every minute or so for the first bit of falling asleep, and according to my fiance and previous roommates, I sometimes talk in my sleep and get very angry – muttering incoherently about my mother? I don’t know.. At least my fiance thinks the first two are cute, it’s only the last one that bothers him.

I have to say that he doesn’t really have any noises that bother me – just his “Ya know what I mean?” tag question after everything he says when he thinks I’m not listening (and it is usually on a topic of which I know nothing about – so no, I do not know what he means).

SherlockPoems's avatar

Well a little honesty from me here… I found that little sounds, noises and inflections that I used to find ‘adorable’ in my husband were really getting on my nerves… I mean totally driving me nuts! So I started becoming the proverbial nag-hag. Until someone mentioned in a really nice way how they ‘saw’ what was happening. I took a long hard look at myself… and you know what? Those sounds, noises and inflections ceased to be a bother… AND our relationship improved a thousand fold.

wundayatta's avatar

My wife said I snored (but I never heard myself snore). She said I held my breath and she’d get anxious waiting for me to start breathing again (I like holding my breath sometimes).

So she made me get a sleep study, and they gave me a machine that blows air up my nose all night long, keeping my soft tissues from relaxing, and thus preventing snoring. The machine, itself, makes a lot of noise, but it’s like white noise.

She says I don’t snore any more, and she’s getting a good sleep. It’s been three weeks,and I have yet to get a decent nights sleep. Of course, I wasn’t getting them before, either. At least one of us is happy.

kevinhardy's avatar

when babies and children cry and whine, i cant stand it

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