General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Where do annoying buzzing sounds in your life come from?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 10th, 2009

Right now, it seems that my light is making the most annoying, high-pitched buzzing sound, which has never happened before. Other lights seem to buzz, too, and I hate that. I’d rather be in the dark than have to put up with that. So where do they come from in your life?

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27 Answers

Bri_L's avatar

Computer fans, hard drive spin ups and downs, sump pumps, inner ear pressure or de-pressurization, sinus issues, if you have an older tv or monitor there are parts in them that will produce that sound.

timothykinney's avatar

Chica’s printer when she leaves it on at night.

SeventhSense's avatar

You can hear them too?

chyna's avatar

My Sony TV has done it from day one.

Jamspoon's avatar

I just realised that the two exhaust fans on the front of my computer chassis weren’t plugged in, after having them plugged in I’m considering one of two things: either I unplug them, or I shell out for some expensive Noctua fans(they’re supposed to be very quiet).

Bluefreedom's avatar

My annoying noises come from my workplace. I sit in a security control room for 12 hours and all the closed circuit television monitors, alarm systems, and computers and cooled with obnoxiously noisy fans that run the entire night.

casheroo's avatar

The dvd player in our bedroom sometimes buzzes, but rarely.
The ps3 is annoyingly loud.

ubersiren's avatar

Our bathroom fan is so freaking LOUD. I hate it with a fiery passion, especially when I’m trying to sleep and my husband gets up and takes a shower. It’s like a loud buzzing wind tunnel. Also, bees.

Cardinal's avatar

tinnitus & mosquitos

DrBill's avatar

It sounds like 60 cycle hum. It is common in electronics that are a few years old. It is caused by running electricity through a coil of wire, the alternating current changes the magnetic polarity 60 times each second.

What you are hearing is the vibration of the wires, attracting and repelling each other 60 times a second, which generates a sound, or tone at 60 Hertz.

loser's avatar

My left ear.

Mr_M's avatar

@daloon, I’m not sure, but I think those are transmissions from Mars. I would wear my aluminum foil hat if I were you. :)

hearkat's avatar

• Tinnitus… different pitches in each ear, that I’ve had my whole life.
• The refrigerator is quite loud.
• Air traffic from the nearby Air Force and Naval Air bases.
• The neighbor’s son’s muffler.
• The ventilation system in both my offices is incredibly loud.
• The computer fan in one office frequently revs so high, I worry that it might explode.

As someone who has to instruct new hearing aid users on what they’ve been missing and will have to get used to again, I tend to notice many little sounds that others generally do not. Not to mention all the things I never think of… one patient forgot that corduroy pants go zzip zzop when you walk. Another forgot that the dogs nails click across the kitchen tiles. I’ve even had patients marvel that they can hear the pen move across the paper as I write my notes.

Whenever we have a power outage, I am amzed at how quiet the house gets. Even if there is nothing running, there is the constant low-level drone if the current through the house. We live in an incredibly noisy world.

jonsblond's avatar

@Sakata You’re picking on a sleeping man. I gather you’re the type of guy that would shoot a man in the back too.

I run a fan every night to drown out all the little irritating noises that I hear. In fact, I have trouble sleeping if I don’t have one running.

Sakata's avatar

@jonsblond If I’m gonna shoot a guy then I’m gonna shoot a guy.
Front. Back. Under a bus. Whatever.

augustlan's avatar

Ugh. They’re everywhere. Right this very minute (4:20AM) I am listening to the computer’s incessant hum, the ticking clock, the fridge and the ice-maker, the faint hum of the fan upstairs in the bedroom, and the furnace. Later on we will have to add the traffic noises, too. I live in an old house on a main road, so not only do we hear the traffic, we feel it, too! The windows actually vibrate and rattle with trucks and motorcycles. Life is loud.

jonsblond's avatar

@Sakata How…honorable?

Blondesjon's avatar

@Sakata and jonsblond…I love it when chicks fight over me…

Sakata's avatar

@jonsblond Honor? Pfft

@Blondesjon I know you do, honey. I know you do.

VS's avatar


TitsMcGhee's avatar

The color photo processor in my lab, the constant traffic of NYC, my laptop fan, my ears ringing after a concert, and the fire alarm in my apartment that goes off when I get out of the shower.

@augustlan: 4.20. NICE.

Aster's avatar

Tinnitus and leaf blowers . Yes, it’s almost February and they’re still out there blowing the one or two leaves on someone’s yard.

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