Meta Question

wundayatta's avatar

What are the rules concerning questions about mothers-in-law in the mythical fluther TOS?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) March 10th, 2009

In that mythical tome that is the fluther TOS, an entire Chapter is devoted to rules about questions concerning relationships with mothers-in-law. The chapter contains 91 subsections, which means there are 91 rules concerning questions regarding relationships to mothers-in-law. What are those rules?

Do you have a mother-in-law story? Would it run afoul of the TOS? Please tell that story, and the chapter of the TOS that it transgresses.

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6 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

removed by me
EDIT: i asked what the TOS was, and then I figured it out, and i removed it, but then astrochuck answered my question .while. i was removing it, so i decided to come back and explain so ppl wouldn’t think he’s a weirdo (even though he is, AND even though he thinks i’m a weirdo

AstroChuck's avatar

Terms of service

dynamicduo's avatar

I have an anti bad MIL story to share. I’ll make it quick as it may not be exactly what you’re looking for :) And technically she’s not my MIL because I’m not married with my partner, but I treat her as such and it works out nicely.

She’s a great person who has flaws just like anyone else. I am always impressed by her ability to create new things and find passion in life. A few years ago she began learning how to decorate cakes and now she’s making amazing custom cakes for people.

She does not pressure me into anything, in fact I would say we talk less than we should, although we communicate through Facebook often. She is not an overbearing, meddling mother with my partner her stepson. Perhaps the step child plays a part in this. I know my partner’s dad (a very quiet, singleperson hobby kind of guy) enjoys not meddling, so that plays a part too. Either way, I can say that these parent in laws are great to have around and I’m glad they are a small part of our lives.

My mother is technically my partner’s MIL… I’m sure he would say great things. She doesn’t meddle either, but she is more involved in our lives because me and my mum’s relationship is very great and very close. She has helped support his dreams of going to school, and he helps with building things she needs.

All in all I am very glad I have a drama-free family. I hate drama in my life. It’s so tiring.

SuperMouse's avatar

The stories of my ex mother-in-law are just too numerous to share. That woman couldn’t stand me from the day my ex brought me home. She shouted me down more than once, she cried hysterically to me about how I was mistreating her and her son on a regular basis, she shared stories of her sex life. She showed up unannounced in the delivery room when I was in labor with my first son. She had this awful chow chow who nipped at my son but that she refused to put out when we were there – then got her feelings hurt when I didn’t bring him to visit. I could go on and on.

marinelife's avatar

Mine is an incredible fantasist who creates her own world ignoring all reality she does not care for with aplomb. She wrote a series of letter attacking my husband’s brother’s wife to the point that her son cut her off.

Now, several years later, she said to my husband, “Why doesn’t Luke speak to me any more?”

Earlier in our marriage (before my hapless sister-in-law took on the role of devil incarnate) she had my father-in-law write a letter to my husband saying they would pay for a divorce so he could come and live with them. (Completely ignoring the fact that he left home after high school never to return and not able to get away fast enough.)

There’s a lot more, but it’s all so depressingly sordid. That, I think, is where it violates the TOS. Lengthy sordid MIL stories are not acceptable.

wundayatta's avatar

@Marina Ah yes. Good old subsection 25. Or was it 57?

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