General Question

wundayatta's avatar

If we got this question, what would you advise?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 15th, 2009

I’m an 18 year old girl. I come from a pretty religious family. My boyfriend was, like, the captain of the basketball team. He looked so hot. We were going out, and he wanted to do it. I told him it was wrong, but he insisted, and I loved him so much, so we did it.

I got pregnant. What’s worse, is that the news I was pregnant came out during a presidential election. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal, but, you see, my mother was a Vice Presidential candidate, so you can imageine the fuss, expecially those moral relativist socialist Democrats.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the worst comes now. I don’t know what to do. He dumped me. The governor’s daughter, and he dumped me.

I want him back. SHould I try to get him back? He should marry me and be a good father for our kid. We know it’s sex, you know.

We had a really big fight. He said I was too bossy. I couldn’t tell him what to do. I said I sure could. We were as good as married, and he had to do what I say.

I don’t know. Should I apologize? Should I ask Mommy to get the State Police to put pressure on him? Should I get Rush to come and tell him what for? Or is it good riddance to bad rubbish? I don’t really want to have to raise my kid on my own, but I will if I have to. What should I do?

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29 Answers

Mr_M's avatar

“Touch base with Sara Palin’s daughter. She had a similar problem.”

essieness's avatar

There is absolutely no reason you should get married to this guy just because he got you pregnant. You’re so young and you just need to let this ride for a while. Focus on being a great mommy and inviting him to be a part of the baby’s life. But try not to put too much pressure on yourself or him to keep your relationship going. If you’re meant to be together, you will be. But your baby needs happy parents. Not unhappy ones who are only together because it was “the right thing to do”.

SeventhSense's avatar

Have mommy pressure various constituents, civil servants, department of motor vehicles and business interests to make his life a living hell….Too Machiavellian?

jonsblond's avatar

It’s good riddance to bad rubbish. At least you have a family that loves and supports you.

asmonet's avatar

I just don’t see the funny in ridiculing a teenage girl who has made mistakes, dumbass mistakes but still, mistakes and has had to do it in front of the entire country mocking not only herself but everyone in her family and the values she’s grown up with.

SuperMouse's avatar

Move on from this joker. Concentrate on improving yourself and being the best mom you can possibly be to that baby.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

Yea heehee that sounds exactly like the problems Sarah Palin`s daughter is having!
@daloon you are to funny and yes we should be worried if we got that question!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I wouldn’t advise anything because I’m not a parent and I don’t have the worldly experience with something like this to give an informed answer. I would feel compassion for the person that is going through this difficult time in their life though and I would direct them to read the already posted responses of @essieness, @SuperMouse, @asmonet, and @jonsblond.

essieness's avatar

@Bluefreedom Well aren’t you sweet!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@essieness. Thank you. And all of you gave really good answers.

asmonet's avatar

thanks for the mention, blue. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@Bluefreedom Thank you. I was concerned about the direction this thread could have taken. I’m proud of my fellow jellies!

SuperMouse's avatar

Thanks Blue!

essieness's avatar

@jonsblond We can be tactful… when we want to. ;]

asmonet's avatar

When we want to. Key.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@Bluefreedom you are the wisest and sweetest in the history of Fluther!

Bluefreedom's avatar

You’re very welcome, ladies. And again, nice answers.

@LouisianaGirl. Thanks for the kind words. There are many here who are much wiser and probably sweeter than me. I’m just happy for the opportunity to have a voice here and the ability to (hopefully) make meaningful contributions whenever I can.

asmonet's avatar

Bravo. :)

augustlan's avatar

I lurved the question, and I lurved Blue’s answers even more. Pancakes for everyone… on me.

asmonet's avatar

Can I have seconds? This is a big night for me, you know.

augustlan's avatar

Seconds, with orgasm syrup darling.

asmonet's avatar

heck yes. :D

tiffyandthewall's avatar

this is such an awesome question.
i feel bad for bristol, even though i don’t know a thing about her. i feel bad for anyone in that public of a situation, where people are making judgments on you based on your family, and your family based on you. what an unfortunate situation. at least her family seems to be incredibly supportive. i dislike sarah palin with an intense passion, but i’m glad she’s not like, isolating her daughter when she needs her support the most.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s so strange these days about situations like this. In the old days, amongst certain cultures and classes, it mean a shotgun marriage. It sounds like there was a lot of pressure on this boy to “make her an honest woman.” I don’t remember what I heard, but to me, it sounded like he was a player, anyway. I suspect he was thinking of Bristol more as a notch in the bedpost than a person. I could be wrong, of course, and I can’t find evidence now to support that.

I think the couple are too young to marry, anyway. We’ve heard, here on fluther, that it is possible to marry young, and last a long time. Wow. I wonder if anyone has looked at longevity of marriage by age of marriage?

Here’s some data from the CDC’s Cohabitation, Marriage, and Divorce

Divorce is more likely when women marry at a younger age (48% of brides married before age 18 divorce in 10 years, compared to 24% married at age 25 or later), have a lower level of education, come from a single-parent home (12% more likely), were raped (same for all three ethnic groups), suffer from GAD, had a child before marriage or within 7 months of the marriage, and cohabitated before marriage (18% for non-cohabitators versus 24% for cohabitators).

So, if Bristol got married to this guy, she’d have two risk factors working against longevity for the marriage: her youth, and being pregnant. Given this, I’d say she’s lucky if this guy wants to back out. It’ll probably save a lot of grief, later.

essieness's avatar

@daloon I agree with you. It seems to me too that younger people are quicker to divorce because they have a greater chance of meeting someone else. The older we get, the slimmer our pickins get, you know? I read that people who have been married for a long time are much less likely to divorce over say, infidelity, than couples who haven’t been married all that long. I guess it depends on how much you have to lose…

cdwccrn's avatar

Love should not hurt. Bristol is off to a tough start, and has alot to think about. Too bad it’s all a very public spectacle.

cyndyh's avatar

Raise your kid on your own and go look into birth control right away after the kid is born.

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