General Question

marmoset's avatar

Help me relax with geeky humor? (like xkcd, Failblog, Engrish, Questionable Content)

Asked by marmoset (1341points) March 23rd, 2009

I have an evening to spend online and I seriously need to relax with something funny. I like geeky, quirky, silly stuff (and I also like uninentionally-funny stuff like Engrish, Failblog, etc.). What new things can I find that are kind of like those?

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10 Answers

laxrrockr18's avatar

ummmm how about deathnote?

laxrrockr18's avatar

or looking at

birds…...........getting it on!

marmoset's avatar

I haven’t gotten into manga much. Looking for sites like the ones I mentioned that are a bunch of single, short, funny pics or basically one-liner comics (easily digestible for the stressed mind).

Triton's avatar

I know some dutch jokes, but most people will be offended

forestGeek's avatar

Google Image search ”Kittens in a Basket”. You will either be totally disgusted or laugh you ass off at the stupidity!

EmpressPixie's avatar

Abstruse Goose!

Except that apparently it is down right now. Visit it later—it’s worth it.

bprz's avatar always gets me a good laugh

resmc's avatar

Have you seen this? XD My friend disagrees, but after a while, the initial affect wore off – so if that happens, being a short blog, i recommend looking in short doses, if possible. Some are much better than others, tho which ones probably vary person to person, of course.

marmoset's avatar

Ha! And fmylife reminded me of wemadeoutinatree… I’m checking them both out.

Thank you everybody so far!

Blondesjon's avatar

The Onion is the shit.

and i know this is ancient but I could stare at it for hours…

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