General Question

wundayatta's avatar

How do you feel about yourself when you procrastinate?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 28th, 2009

Do you beat yourself up? Do you tell yourself you really should be doing this or that? Do you feel you have failed somehow if you can’t get yourself to do it? Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Seize the moment?

Or, do you figure, that’s ok. Life is to be lived. If I don’t get it done, the world won’t end. If it really mattered, I’d be working hard (the people in Fargo North Dakota, for example). Slow down, smell the roses? Enjoy life? Don’t sweat it, and don’t sweat the details?

Where are you with respect to your own procrastination? What do you expect from others when they procrastinate? Do you judge them, and if so, how?

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15 Answers

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I realize that once again, I am living up to my potential.

Ivan's avatar

I’ll come up with an answer to this later.

KrystaElyse's avatar

I feel really guilty sometimes, especially when I know I could be doing what I need to do then and not whatever else I wanted to do (go out with friends, sleep, spend endless amounts of time on Fluther!) I don’t judge others for procrastinating, especially since i’m guilty of it myself. Some of my best work has come from trying to get things done at the last minute and sometimes I know I could have done better if I just managed my time better.

VzzBzz's avatar

I don’t feel guilty or sad, more I get annoyed and angry with myself to where I burst out with more effort than I might have originally, do more and maybe I do it that way to ease myself and “make up” for the lost time.

Blondesjon's avatar

Dirty and ashamed and scared that I really will go blind…uh, wait a minute…what was your question?

cak's avatar

@Blondesjonwhere is your other half? I need to point her to this answer! ;~)—

I get annoyed with myself and then do the project that I was avoiding. Usually, if I am procrastinating, it’s because I volunteered to do some boneheaded thing that I really should not have volunteered for in the first place. Like this weekend. I am looking at a box of 120 sets of rabbit ears for the children in kindergarten. What am I doing with them? Sewing sequins on them…20 on each ear. Do I like to sew? Hell no. Why did I do this? Because I’m an idiot. Someone else bailed, I said yes. They need to be finished by Monday afternoon, I have 10 sets finished.


tiffyandthewall's avatar

like i’m going to fail chemistry, but then i get over it in, say, 30 seconds.

Darwin's avatar

I would be upset with myself if I bothered to think about it at the time, but I generally put stuff like that off until tomorrow.

augustlan's avatar

Hmmm, how do I feel about myself every damn day? Seriously, I am a world class procrastinator. I still have not done my taxes, which will net us a refund! Which we need! WTF?

I’ve come to accept myself… but every once in a while right now, thanks I feel like a useless sack of excrement. Eh, I’ll get over it. And do my taxes. ;)

jonsblond's avatar

Some of my best work has been done when I put it off. I used to beat myself up over procrastinating, but I have learned that I will probably never change. If it works for me, why change it?

@cak I’ll be right over to help with those rabbit ears!

Darwin's avatar

@cak – The answer is hot glue. It’s quick, it isn’t sewing, and the sequins will stay on long enough for kindergarten purposes.

It is an old (?) theater trick.

nebule's avatar

I have procrastinated all weekend and not studied at all… and I can’t figure out whether I am making excuses or giving very valid reasons…

I’m quite depressed today and can’t concentrate very well because;
I’ve had a water infection for four weeks now and I’m in a lot of pain so;
I’m physical uncomfortable and need to rest and be kind to myself but
I could sit and do some work and see how I feell I guess…
even if that’s just reading a bit…
but I just want to feel sorry for myself instead and watch TV
and not think

cak's avatar

@jonsblond – bring your glue gun! I just read Darwin’s advice – she’s so smart. I would have been sewing on sequins, all day.

@Darwin – I bow to the Queen! Thank you. Hot glue never even crossed my mind. Thank your for the tip, life will be so much easier for me…and my family. My husband really thanks you! :)

essieness's avatar

I feel pretty crappy about it, but only because it usually means that I’m spending an entire day writing some paper when I could’ve worked on some of it previously and had more time to relax.

Strauss's avatar

I was going to answer this earlier, but living my life got into the way. If I put something off because of correct priorities (by my estimation), I feel pretty damned good, because it’s usually the other way around.

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