General Question

andrew's avatar

Co-op game for 360: Left 4 Dead, CoD:World at War, or something else?

Asked by andrew (16553points) March 29th, 2009

After having a ball taking turns at the new Prince of Persia, my buddy and I are looking for something new. I’m looking to get a used game that wouldn’t make sense to rent. Split-screen co-op is the prime requisite.

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22 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

L4D. The split screen doesn’t detract from the overall game and it is ridiculously fun. Plus, the online features mean the game really lasts forever if you spring for a Live account. Did I mention how incredibly fun it is?

However, if you do decide to do CoD, there was a great article on BoingBoing about a father who only agreed to let his kid play CoD with his friends if he agreed to abide by the Geneva Convention in the game. I feel like that would make playing it really… interesting.

Article here

Blondesjon's avatar

CoD: Modern Warfare…hands down.

Amoebic's avatar

Both are great…Left 4 Dead I feel is a more engaging co-op experience because it’s two (or more!) against the end of the world. I love it! Anything by Valve is pretty much a guaranteed win, and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. The online experience with pick-ups is frustrating because people seem to want to lallygag instead of bust through as intended.

CoD:WaW or even CoD:4 (I’ve heard better things about 4, but I bought both at the same time, so I get the two confused constantly) if you’re a wargame-fan. The weapons selection and specialization are typical and satisfying if you’re familiar with the CoD empire. I tend to fall back on it regularly, it’s my FPS home-base, but it doesn’t have the ohshitohshitohshit YES WE MADE IT YESSSS seat of your pants kind of feel that Left 4 Dead has. It’s way better for online multiplayer, but I found the split screen experience to be a bit disappointing.

You’re an FPS’er? awesome! We should join forces sometime and destroy things.

Deathcabforhottie's avatar

I’d say halo 3 is a great a variety through out the game and also the online play is extremely fun with a friend

Amoebic's avatar

@Deathcabforhottie Yeah I really enjoyed the co-op campaign story, it’s really fun for two. However, I found the pvp multiplayer online experience to be a bit bland. I would definately recommend Halo3 for halo fans playing on the same box, the split screen co-op does not disappoint!

Deathcabforhottie's avatar

You did? I love it! My personal favorite is team sniper… Did you play anything other then team slayer?

Amoebic's avatar

@Deathcabforhottie nah, with all the other fps-multiplayer games I have, the online multiplayer experience in Halo3 was incredibly lacklustre to me. All my other games do it better, in my opinion. I found it to be unimpressive. Also, if we’re going to deviate from the intent of this question, we should whisper. ; )
PM-me if you want to talk more games, though. I’d love to chat!

andrew's avatar

Well, since nearly everyone had closed by the time I had gone out, I ended up with CoD:Waw. I’ll have to rent L4D from gamefly once we’re done with PoP.

Let’s hope for a great coop experience… I hope it won’t be too hard for my friend.

Ah… If only there were another rainbow six game out…

PrancingUrchin's avatar

@andrew I think you made the right decision. I’ve never gotten into the Halo franchise but I’ve been playing CoD since the first game. I’ve been playing World at War since it came out (among other games) and it’s very good. Slightly different gameplay from Modern Warfare but both are good. If you need help getting going and need someone to play with online. My gamertag is also PrancingUrchin. See you on the battlefield.

eambos's avatar

I own both (For PC, but they are pretty much the same) and didn’t enjoy WaW anywhere near as much as L4D. Also, the replay value of WaW isn’t as good as that of L4D.

You’ll probably still have a lot of fun with WaW, but I think L4D is much better =\

madcapper's avatar

L4D all day!

LuvBubble's avatar

Left 4 Dead!!

EmpressPixie's avatar

If your friend is newer to gaming than you are, you may have made the right choice. I love, love, love L4D, but I learned to play with a friend who plays games on the 360 all the time. There is actually a factor that punishes you for getting too far away from the group in L4D which was frustrating for me as I didn’t really know how to run or aim well and wanted to go way slower than he was willing to go. We both got picked off a lot until I got the hang of playing.

madcapper's avatar

the other maps are being made into versus mode maps in April! I’m so pumped plus they are adding a game mode called Survival, not sure what it will be like. And the download is free so thats awesome too.

Triiiple's avatar

I try to only get games i can enjoy with all my friends who have Xbox so im always on the look out for good co op games.

For your money definitely pick up L4D, as the game is always random when you play through it really hasnt gotten old to me. VS mode is also great and getting some love later in April.

Also if you have some microsoft points try out Castle Crashers another good co op game.

Only thing i hated about CoD:WoW is that the split screen they use is horrible.

Amoebic's avatar

@Triiiple: is it one of the ones with the wonky staggering?! Cause if it is, I hate it. Stack that shit!

Triiiple's avatar

@Amoebic yup thats it. i hated it no way to change it either

bob's avatar

I played through Left for Dead with three friends over the course of a long weekend. It was incredibly fun, but I don’t feel a particular need to go back and play it again. You’ll be fine just renting it. But do rent it—it’s a great game.

Triiiple's avatar

Its random every time you play through, enough reason :)

mattgolling's avatar

Lefter 4 Dead is my crack

ModernEpicurian's avatar

L4D is one of the greatest game experiences I’ve had in my 20year long gaming career. The genuine human element that you get from the teamwork involved is superb. And I could play the levels from a straight week and never play two similar games.

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