General Question

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

What if the hokey pokey, is really what it's all about?

Asked by ABoyNamedBoobs03 (7546points) March 30th, 2009

I leave the meaning up to you.

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16 Answers

Zen's avatar

That would be sad.

forestGeek's avatar

Then I need to head out to the roller rink right away…and life would be so much easier!!

Loofa's avatar

Amputees would be screwed.

kenmc's avatar

Then whomever wrote that would be the next Jesus.

gailcalled's avatar

(psst – whoever)

adreamofautumn's avatar

I totally have my shit together if the hokey pokey is what it’s all about. Here I was worrying about my education and future career. Apparently i’ve got it all sorted out already!

YARNLADY's avatar

Define “it”.

rooeytoo's avatar

I really like the question but I have no idea how to answer it.

Vinifera7's avatar

I suddenly have the urge to go roller skating.

augustlan's avatar

Well, I’ve got the ‘shake it all about’ part down, at least.

Jeruba's avatar

Define “about.”

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I at first pictured Pokey playing hockey… perhaps I’m lysdexic.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Jeruba @Yarnlady it’s up to you’re own interpitation.

VS's avatar

I would be in great shape then, ‘cause I do a mean hokey pokey! As long as it is limited to putting your right foot in and taking your right foot out…

YARNLADY's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 copout; it’s your question, you need to define your terms

gailcalled's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 ; Get rid of the comma after “pokey” in original question, remember that “you’re” is shorthand for “you are” and check spelling of “interpretation.”

Your question is now clearer but Simon still says, “It’s too nice outside to ponder that.”

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