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AstroChuck's avatar

Does heat have an effect on caffeine?

Asked by AstroChuck (37635points) April 7th, 2009 from iPhone

I suffer frequent headaches. One of the things that help, other than medication, is hot coffee. I know that caffeine is often used in headache medicine. I’ve taken caffeine in pill form and have had high caffeinated sodas. None of those seem to do much, but hot caffeinated coffee works for me. Has heat been known to amplify the effects of caffeine? If so, what’s the science behind that?

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10 Answers

_bob's avatar

It warms it up.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t think heat has any effect on caffeine. Perhaps it is the amount of caffeine. Have you checked the levels?

nikipedia's avatar

I don’t think so. Heat shouldn’t really affect the mechanism of action of things that aren’t enzymes. The only thing I can think of is that heat does affect how well things dissolve (think about putting sugar in your coffee versus in lemonade). So it’s possible that the caffeine in your coffee is somewhat more available to your body by virtue of being better dissolved.

The more likely explanation, I think, is dosage. According to various googles (content questionable), 12oz of coffee from Starbucks has 260mg caffeine; 12 oz of Coke has 34mg; caffeine pills have somewhere on the order of 200mg.

AstroChuck's avatar

Déjà vu. Which one should I give lurve to?

ubckfc's avatar

Caffeine in pills gives me the shakes.
Caffeine in tea does nothing for me except Jasmine Tea which is great.
There’s just something about that morning cup of coffee!!
I once read that headaches can be caused by dehydration and that two cups of Gatorade helps…I used that for my daughter and it worked. No idea why.

Strauss's avatar

I haven’t noticed (by experience, no controlled experiments) any difference in whether I have two cups of regular coffee (hot, black, sweet), or a large iced mocha. It’s only if I do not have the coffee that I have the headaches. I’m not sure if it’s the daffiene or the sugar.

mass_pike4's avatar

A hot beverage opens up a lot of pathways that may be clugged. This goes along the same lines as people giving you warm soup when you are sick with a head cold. Caffeine allows your body to get better blood flow around the body, known as vasodialiation, which can eliminate a headache.

brybry's avatar

A headache is caused by restricted blood vessels. A combination of the caffeine + the heat from the beverage vasodilates (expands the vein) the vessels which are restricted opening up the vessels to allow the blood to flow freely again.

That “pound, pound, pound” you feel is the restriction of blood.

One trick is to rub the outside of your big toe, either foot will do, and this decreases the pain in a headache.

You can use your fingers or you can just rub that toe (the outside) on anything and get the same effect.

By the “outside” of the toe, I mean the area of your toe were you standing with feet together, the two parts of your large/big toe that would be touching each other.

Rub that part and it really helps!

dennic's avatar

This is most interesting for me to hear, as for me it is the other way around
. Hot coffee and hot tea tend to couse headaces. Cold tea or coffee, pills or caffeine beverages do not have the same effect, rather they can relive headaces.A few hours after a cup of coffee i get a strong headace and more coffee worsens it, so i take a couple caffeine pills or something, and its gone.

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