General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

What good is the open/close button on my DVD remote?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) April 11th, 2009 from iPhone

You have to get up to put in or take out a disc, so why bother putting this on the remote control? It seems stupid yet it’s on every DVD and CD remote I’ve ever seen. Why?

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8 Answers

Dutchess12's avatar

It should open and close the player….

jrpowell's avatar

Our DVD player has the buttons on top and with it in the cabinet it can be hard to see. They are glossy black buttons with barely legible symbols. It is a lot easier to use the remote.

It is just bad design by Sony for our player. But the remote is easier then finding a flashlight to find the right button.

btko's avatar

I think it’s good for saving wear-and-tear on your DVD button. Likewise, if the button fails on the machine, at least you still have a way to open it.

jrpowell's avatar

I think btko is on the right track. A little redundancy can be good. It is cheap to add and you can still use it if the button on the player breaks. That alone makes it worth the 2 cents to add.

AstroChuck's avatar

Never thought of that. Good point.

Still…seems weird to me.

global_nomad's avatar

Yeah, I’ve always wondered the point of the open/close button on the remote too. I press it and then I’m like, wait…I still have to get up. Sometimes though, if the DVD won’t start or something, I’ll push the open/close button on the remote and that’s handy because then you don’t have to get up just to take out and put back in the DVD to restart it or whatever.

lrhar487's avatar

For me I my kids always have me open and close it and they put in the DVD so I actually am not gettin up and they like helping.

adri027's avatar

screw the button use a long stick.

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