General Question

astrojams1's avatar

When did you feel most refreshed?

Asked by astrojams1 (149points) April 13th, 2009
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16 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

The first sip of a nice cold beer after a long, tiring day of work as I settle into my LazyBoy (I wish I had one).. after a long, hot shower.

cak's avatar

Nice cold beer, after a nice hot shower….after a long day of yard work.

Milladyret's avatar

This is usually where I answer ‘Beer’ or ‘After a shower’, but no, not this time:

The times I’ve felt most refreshed is after taking a bath, january 1., in Norway. -2 degrees Celsius in the water and -15 degrees Celsius in the air.
Oddly enough it feels refreshing and cleansing! Afterwards, that it. When you’re IN the water it’s just f**ing cold.

Facade's avatar

after a shower after a workout

mjchatter's avatar

After a peaceful time with my Heart… taking away the stress of the days…I am amazed how refreshed I can feel after time spent in caring arms…. no matter how much Time.

netspencer's avatar

A hot shower after a long bike ride. I used (and always use) Aveda Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Conditioner. Also, drank a Metro Mint water!

Likeradar's avatar

After waking up from a good 10+ hour sleep on a weekend snuggled next to my guy, knowing we have something fun planned later in the day and absolutely nothing we have to do aside from making ourselves happy.

And what @facade said. :)

jonsblond's avatar

Jumping in the pool on a warm October day when the water temp. is 65 or lower.

A cold beer in hand is even more refreshing.

kevbo's avatar

Spending a few hours swimming and sunning at Las Cateratas de La Fortuna in Costa Rica.

filmfann's avatar

After a mud bath, sauna, towel wrap and 1 hour massage. Honestly, there is no feeling like it!

mattbrowne's avatar

Second week of any vacation.

bythebay's avatar

The month of July at the beach;
after a long sit in the sauna follwed by a massage;
after an early morning boat ride in October.

ubersiren's avatar

After the first few days of a trip to the beach house- hot tub, beer, sleeping in, eating out (at a restaurant, you pervs) then I’m recharged.

VS's avatar

Any vacation day, but normally early in the morning, when everything is still quiet and dark, and I take my coffee to the back porch and just “be” for ten minutes or so until it’s time to shower and dress for work. That’s my ME time…
I totally agree wtih @filmfann about that one hour massage though…

FrancisRude's avatar

After a warm/cold shower after working out. Also, after a shower after a long day at work, and just lay down in bed with my beautiful girl. :)

Aster's avatar

After my first bath following a 2 week stint at a walled prison called Girl Scout Camp , Pennsylvania.

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