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wundayatta's avatar

Do you call it "making love," or do you use some other term?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) April 17th, 2009

What are your associations with the term, “making love?” Do you have an alternative non-derogatory, non-demeaning term for it? [I’m sure I’ll get all kinds of silliness here, and that’s ok, but I am hoping for serious answers, too.]

This comes up because CAK thinks the word is cheesy, but doesn’t have an alternative. It made me wonder if other people have similar associations with the term, and, in general, what people associate with the term.

For me, it denotes the attitude one has when making love. It is literally the physical expression of love. It’s not just fun, and it’s not violence, it is about putting something good into the world. I suppose that could be cheesy and saccharine, and maybe I get a little feeling of “ugh” when I say it, but I don’t know any other term for it.

It makes me think of being alone together, off in a clearing in a woods, nature all to yourself, and you become a part of it, freely, no worries, just completely and utterly with each other. That’s an ideal, romantic image of course, but that’s what I associate with the term. You?

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64 Answers

mcbealer's avatar

exploring ;)

marinelife's avatar

I call “the act” different things in different circumstances. For example, I do not think that there are any circumstances in which a one night stand would be making love.

For me, making love involves an emotional connection with one’s partner.

Whereas, one can have passionate sex that is very hot, but has nothing to do with “making love.”

gailcalled's avatar

My ex called it “Do you want to go upstairs for a while?” Wasn’t it romantic.

qashqai's avatar

We were calling it “sleeping together”.
As sweet as she was.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

well… I suppose I use different terms for the different kinds of interaction…

you wouldn’t call a romantic, sensual night with a woman “freaky Deaky Jungle Sneaky”

Just as you wouldn’t call a passionate, fervered, one night stand ‘Making Love.’

knitfroggy's avatar

My husband and I use the term Happy Thanksgiving, like “You wanna have a Happy Thanksgiving tonight?” It’s not a romantic phrase at all but it’s got a “you had to be there” back story that we find humorous.
I find the term “making love” creepy, personally. Not sure why, it just sounds kind of gross to me.

TenaciousDenny's avatar

I used the term “making love” last night, but it was our first time.

On a related note, isn’t it a glorious day today!!!?!!?!!

Rememberme's avatar

remember that thing we did earlier… lets do it again

lunabean's avatar

i call it having fun times

cyndyh's avatar

The sweet romantic kind is “being together” and the hot and heavy is “the old bump and grind”.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

We call it ‘bumping uglies’, not because we think genitalia are ugly, but because it just has a humorous tone to it. Humor is a big part of making a relationship work, at least for us, and it really doesn’t pay to take everything too seriously. Sex is supposed to be fun. If it isn’t fun, then it’s called work.

cookieman's avatar

My wife or I will say to the other, “Hey…you in the mood for some cake?”

I agree with cak. “Making love” is sooo goofy. I couldn’t say it with a straight face.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Having sex, mostly. Or a ‘get together’, LOL. Making love…we already HAVE love between us. Sex just reinforces it.

cak's avatar

HEY! I wasn’t the only one! There was another question – I’m trying to remember it…damn short term memory! a few of us agreed that it’s a bit cheesy sounding. It always reminds me of one of those romance novels – I’m not a fan of them, either.

I can’t say it or hear it without giggling.

seekingwolf's avatar

My bf always calls it love making (he doesn’t call it anything else!), and I call it whatever I want…depends how I feel.

cak's avatar

@jbfletcherfan – I think that is what we (husband and I) thought, as well.

@cpreviteI can’t either. I tried to say it the other day to my husband, we both started laughing.

elijah's avatar

I can (in my head) call the slow, romantic, sensual deed “making love” but I would never say it out loud. I agree it’s cheesy. If someone said to me they wanted to make love I would laugh my ass off and that would ruin it. Joking around I will say “you wanna cuddle? (with an eyebrow wiggle), or “my hoo hoo is lonely” (with a sad pouty face), or just “come here” (with the look). I think if you are already in…uh…negotiations a simple “slow” is enough to let the person know what you want. Also non verbal clues such as more eye contact, more kissing, just basic slower movements initiate “lovemaking”. and less dirty words ;)

MrItty's avatar

my last ex-gf and I called it “have sex” or “make love”, interchangably.

dynamicduo's avatar

I call it “having sex”, “fucking”, or “having fun”, as in “Wanna go [have sex/fuck/have some fun]?”

I only use the term “making love” in a mocking sense, as I don’t support the thought that a penis inside of a vagina (or anywhere else for that matter) somehow creates love.

Lefty_the_space_monkey's avatar


Makes me think of American… Wedding? Or was it one of the pie movies?

DREW_R's avatar

hehe, depends on what we are doing. >:)

qualitycontrol's avatar

when I come from my bedroom after several hours and my sister asks me what I was doing, you might hear one of the following responses:
1. Doing my taxes
2. Making magic happen
3. Doing the “scooby-do”
4. Making babies
5. havin a smoke and a pancake
6. slappin’ it
7. slip ‘n slide, take it to the house
8. skeet skeet skeet
9. “sleeping” with a grin
10. i was gettin’ up in it with her

if my GF is in earshot I must say “making love” teehee!

casheroo's avatar

We use the term “make love” when we actually make love lol. That sounds silly. But, when it’s slow and passionate (well, it’s always passionate) but done in a loving manner instead of a rough passionate manner..then it’s making love. Every couple is different, I think it’s cute when my husband approaches me with the term..

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

I call it different things depending on what it means or what the mood is. If it’s a totally physical thing, it probably is going to be called sex or fucking or what have you. If it’s romantic and very intimate, then its going to be called making love. I actually consider sex and making love two very different things.

aviona's avatar

This is so silly but my first love and I would call it “doing a puzzle” because there was this one time when we were actually doing a puzzle and, well, it got pretty boring and we “made love” on top of the puzzle. So from that day forth our “code word” (we were in high school, folks) was “Wanna do a puzzle?”

Like @gailcalled sometimes it was initiatied by “Want go go in the other room?” or something like that.

I guess I’ve heard it called “Nookie” before, but I’ve never used that term.

Usually it’s just “Having sex.” And usually it’s better if it just happens and no words are even needed to describe it! :)

benjaminlevi's avatar

mashing our genitalia together?

oratio's avatar

I think I say sex mostly. But I think it might be cultural reasons for that. Here we don’t use the word for making love that much. It more or less always referred to as sex. Hmm, kind of boring yes, but it – like most things – depends on how you say it.

timeand_distance's avatar

I say banging or bang, because I’m actually 13 years old and trapped in this 18 year old body.

aviona's avatar

Boning or boned. But that’s kind of derogatory.

cyndyh's avatar

We have actually called it a lot of things. My husband can substitute just about any phrase and make it clear. “Hey, hon. Do you wanna… what is it the kids are calling it these days? Do our taxes?” And you can use almost any phrase at all this way.

Or he can be in the kitchen getting himself a drink and I can say something offhand like “Babe, do you wanna get me a beer, too?” To which he may say, “Yeah. I’ll get you a beer. I’ll get you a beer real good. Come here. Let me give it to you.” The man surely makes me laugh.

Amoebic's avatar

Just a personal opinion…“making love” sounds like a G-rated candy-coating to make something more…palatable, to my ears. As if one is trying to counterbalance a carnal act with some greater relevance for justification.
It also sounds a little juvenile. Like “making poopy.”
Lovemaking sounds a little better. Still cheesy, though.

You can romanticize copulation as much or as little as you want, so use whatever term is most satisfying to you. If you are with someone who loves you reciprocally, I don’t think it matters what you call it like making puzzles, tee hee; that person will know what you mean.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I call it several things depending on mood.

VS's avatar

“Let’s go get some wood, Baby, and nail some boards together…”

Bluefreedom's avatar

Making Love
Doing the Humpty Dumpty
Riding the Hobby Horse
Bumping Uglies
The Horizontal Bop

sjmc1989's avatar

I call it a number of things but my most common is I need some Lovin’.

SeventhSense's avatar

Gettin Busy
Layin’ Pipe

ratboy's avatar

Fuck “making love” anyway.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@benjaminlevi well that just sounds dirty, heh

I call it ‘fucking’ and ‘boom boom’

CMaz's avatar

I call it making love when I feel mushy. Fucking when it is time to get down to business!
Or Hibbity Dibbity, because I like saying that.

amoreno06's avatar

kidding around, “wanna wang?”
not kidding around…several things i think.
the only thing i can remember right now is
“do you wanna go to your room?”

Clair's avatar

i used to think ‘making love’ was totally corny too. but i use it now in a romantic sense. anything that involves emotionally connection.
‘sex’ is the general term, viable in any situation.
‘fucking’ is usually just a fuck but sometimes more.
and i say ‘doin the no pants dance’ when i’m just silly.
i say ‘makin babies’ alot.
and if i suggest that we eat a little fruit or buy him pineapple, he knows exactly why….

justus2's avatar

Well my ex boyfriend always called it making love, but he never made love, I felt as if I was an object with him to get what he wanted and not once did I feel loved during it, now with my fiance I feel nothing but love so we say making love or having sex.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@justus2 im so glad you’re in a much better relationship now

justus2's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Thank you very much. Me too!

chell's avatar

We call it making love when it is slow and sensual, lots of touching, caressing, kissing, we call it f**king sometimes when we are over heated and sometimes we just look at each other and know so we don’t say a

writemyselfaletter's avatar

@ratboy….Yeah, fuck “makin love”

Jude's avatar

For my girlfriend and I, it’s a come hither look, which it’s usually accompanied by me saying “C’mere”. While doing the dirty and things are pretty intense, it’s usually “I want you to fuck me”.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@jmah interesting. taking notes. g’night

Jude's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir G’night. Sweet dreams.

SeventhSense's avatar

Get up, get up, Wake up wake up
nothin’ like the master

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense You know that is our my song!

SeventhSense's avatar

u can call it ours

slick44's avatar

lol my husband just asks if he can “get a poke”.

countfast's avatar

What ever its called, after the seed is rendered from the host I no longer have any use for him and I continue to consume his useless body. Therefore there is no need for these charades.

SeventhSense's avatar

Sweet…a woman after my own <3

HungryGuy's avatar

Some other term…

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QuartzKitty's avatar

Sometimes I call it banging, but I usually use the explicit term for it. The one that starts with the letter ‘f’.

SeventhSense's avatar

My motto’s always been; when it’s right, it’s right.
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.
When everything’s a little clearer in the light of day.
And you know the night is always gonna be there any way.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

HungryGuy's avatar

[Extremely NSFW] I call it “Wearing a Cum Sponge”.

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