General Question

klaas4's avatar

How do I setup a surveillance system for in my room?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) December 7th, 2007


I’d like to turn my always-on Mac to a room-surveillance system. Like when it detects motion it starts recording the video to a folder, and when the motion stop, it stops recording.

So it must capture video, not only pictures, and with that video, it must record audio too!

In addition, I would like a kind of web-interface, like a activate/deactivate functionality protected with a password. This isn’t really necessary, but kind of fun.

Don’t ask me why I want this. This is personal.

Thanks, Davey.

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10 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

This works with this

really interesting-I too had this interest at one point for my workspace-and it is mac-based-not sure if works with built-in isight but interesting nonetheless…

sndfreQ's avatar

p.s. it does work with the built-in iSight camera, w/motion detection! I am trying the demo out-it will even email you when motion is detected-amazing…

hossman's avatar

Wow, klaas, what kind of action is your room seeing that you need a motion triggered surveillance system? You stud muffin, you.

klaas4's avatar

Hossman: I don’t understand that last sentence, but I’m curious when someone walks in my room when I’m not there, I want to see who’s doing something and what they’re doing.

Spargett's avatar

Beware the green light on the iSight. It could be a dead giveaway that they’re being recorded if they are familiar with Macs, which could also spoil any intel you were trying to collect.

Spargett's avatar

I just came across this article: Turn your Mac into a remote activated, motion sensitive security camera!

Hopefully this works for you.

richardhenry's avatar

Someone should really just write an app, most of the core libraries are already available. I might do it at some point.

ampjdad's avatar

No audio, but very strong security app for the mac:

sndfreQ's avatar

@ampjdad: yep, already mentioned it above ^^, it does have audio btw…

swimmindude2496's avatar

Anyone know of anything for free?

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