General Question

mothermother's avatar

Does anyone have a great Butterscotch bars recipe?

Asked by mothermother (3points) April 27th, 2009

I’ve had a friend’s butterscotch bars this weekend – amazing- light, moist, not to sweet bars (I finished half the pan!). But she wouldn’t share the recipe lol. Is there anyone there who would be willing to share their recipe? I did one but it was dense and dry. Not too good, I’m afraid.

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4 Answers

ubersiren's avatar

Holy crap, somebody answer! I need to try these!

casheroo's avatar

people who don’t share recipes are selfish.

ubersiren's avatar

@casheroo : I know… and sort of sadistic, too.

augustlan's avatar

This one looks pretty good. I love blondies… yummy!

Edit: These look even better!

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