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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What is a good housewarming gift to get for a young, traditional couple (see more)?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39057points) May 6th, 2009

I only know the girl, we went to grad school and now work together. My husband met her a couple of times and I never met her boyfriend. They just got a new place and we’re becoming closer friends – I’d like to get them a present, nothing expensive..any ideas? They’re in their mid-20s, white, American, traditional (their own term)...

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33 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

A stove top espresso maker. Makes nice coffee and is traditional.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Casserole if you cook. Something that can be re-heated and eaten while they unpack. Also paper plates, plastic utensils, etc. Makes clean up easier and works until they find their kitchen.

Less personal than that, is a house plant or bottle of wine to toast the new house.

chyna's avatar

If she has a place outside for flowers or a hanging birdhouse, that would be cute, but maybe not so traditional.

Milladyret's avatar

A huge boquet of cut flowers, with a vase.
May I suggest peons and Stargazer-lillies?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@EmpressPixie oooh, wine sounds nice maybe that and 2 wine glasses
@miladyret that’s a great idea, thanks

SpatzieLover's avatar

Perennials for their yard such as Hostas or daylillies given in a bushel basket or planter they can re-use.

andrew's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Crate&Barrel also has some wonderful multi-use stemless wine glasses that aren’t very expensive. Best housewarming present I ever received. I use them every day.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Otherwise, a very “traditional” gift would be Wine Bread & Salt

It’s something I like to give (along with perennials from my yard ;)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@andrew oh and I have a crate and barrell i can go to

Judi's avatar

Gift cards to home depot or Bed bath and beyond will always come in handy in a new place.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Judi hmm that’s not bad, thanks

CMaz's avatar

Best house warming gift… That is easy… Give them that christmas gift you have stuffed in the closet. Tee bath oil set, or fancy soaps. Still got that meat and cheese thing.
That is a good one.

flameboi's avatar

a big bad yankee candle

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I like to give a plant for a housewarming gift. Make sure it’s a low maintenance plant.

purplelow's avatar

i would get them some new kitchen appliances

purplelow's avatar

maybe some cups or wine glasses…or you could do like just little things you need in a kitchen like a can opener, pizza cutter, strainer…i no you can by things like that, that come in a set all together.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@purplelow but I dont’ know if they have it already adn this is a suprise gift so it’s not like i can just ask her what she has

purplelow's avatar

maybe you could just go with a nice bottle of wine… and possibly invite them out sometime

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@purplelow yeah Im starting to think that’s a really good idea

TitsMcGhee's avatar

You could always do a small, decorative basket with things like coffee, tea, crackers, cheeses, dried fruits, chocolates, etc. It helps to avoid giving them something they already have, and it won’t take up space when they’re done with it.

3or4monsters's avatar

I really like the plant idea. :) Though if you’re going for uber-practical…. get a fireproof lock box for their important documents like birth certs, SS cards, passports, etc. :) This one is $20

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@3or4monsters hmm, not bad not bad
i might get oen for myself lol

Milladyret's avatar

A nice bottle of wine, a good wineopener and a couple of glasses for the wine.
And be sure to pick an inexpencive but pretty line of glasses and tell them where you got them, so they can start collecting them if they like them :)

ccbatx's avatar

Something they need! So many people get useless housewarming gifts like candles etc. that they might want later, but not now. No, I believe now they NEED a lot of stuff, even if it’s something like dish towels or kitchen utensils or something. I would appreciate anything that would help me out if I had a big empt place to fill.

_bob's avatar

How about a copy of a nice painting, say, like this one.

Jeruba's avatar

If you go for the wine glasses, why not make it four so they can use them with you?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jeruba oh, because my partner and I don’t drink alcohol

Jeruba's avatar

Hmmm…then wine might seem like an odd gift coming from you. How about woven hot pads, six matching place mats, a serving or kitchen item made of wood, a floor cushion, a set of guest towels, a small lamp?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jeruba I like the item made of wood idea…thing is I have no time to go shop for this, sigh

Jeruba's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, those are probably all Cost Plus items if you have one near you. It’s also amazing how much you can find through Amazon. Quite an assortment just here.

WifeOfBath's avatar

Get one of the best gardening books at a secondhand book store and tell them you got it from there, and a nursery voucher for plants they fancy, I am sure they would love something they could make notes in and will add value to their home life.

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