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AstroChuck's avatar

Am I breaking any California driving law?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) June 2nd, 2009 from iPhone

The AstroChuck family was on our way to dinner this evening. At one point on a straight patch of road I needed the use of both my hands and temporarily utilized my knees. Mrs. AstroChuck told me that I could get a ticket if a cop were to see me. I said that, although it certainly is not the safest way to drive, I don’t believe there is anything that addresses this in the California Driver’s Handbook. Am I wrong? Am I breaking any standing law?

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30 Answers

chyna's avatar

I think getting in the midddle of the Mr. and Mrs. Astro Chucks’ debate would be worse than breaking any driving laws.

MrGV's avatar

It’s not against the law to drive with your knees unless you start to drive recklessly they can ticket you for that.

Dog's avatar

Ford Windstar is a keyword?

You are technically supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel at the 10:00 and 2:00 positions. However a brief jaunt with the knees would require and extraordinary stroke of bad luck to be detected by law enforcement. Just my opinion.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Dog- I know there is no law that says you must have you hands at 10 and 2.

A blue and gray 2003 Ford Windstar SEL, to be exact.

Dog's avatar

@astrochuck- let me take a jaunt across the street and ask the local law. :)

SeventhSense's avatar

I think driving a minivan is a felony.:)

jonsblond's avatar

When I was a toddler my father would do this neat trick of driving with no hands. I am was so gullible!

@SeventhSense Watch it Mr.! I drive a minivan. Ford Windstar too. :)

Dog's avatar

@AstroChuck According to my source in law enforcement. Two hands on the wheel is a driving technique not a law. HOWEVER no hands on the wheel can be considered reckless driving. Thus you both win or lose.
Damn- I am in trouble aren’t I?

AstroChuck's avatar

@SeventhSense- Not if you have elderly parents that require being chauffeured around.
Besides, it’s the urbanite SUV drivers that are felonious.

SeventhSense's avatar

You and Brando can do a remake of the Wild Ones..:)~

rooeytoo's avatar

@AstroChuck – I just wonder what you were doing with your hands???

SeventhSense's avatar

Tying his Boat shoes. :)

cak's avatar

I’m just lurving you for typing, “The AstroChuck Family.”

I doesn’t take much for me these days.

rooeytoo's avatar

@SeventhSense – thanks, that makes sense to me.

jonsblond's avatar

@SeventhSense He’s got the expression right but I promise you he does not wear mommy’s eyeliner. :]

Darwin's avatar

Don’t make fun of minivans. After all, they do have fold down seats.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m pretty sure that as long as the hands are on the wheel, using the knees in addition is acceptable.

Judi's avatar

Doesn’t the handbook say your hands should be at 10:00 and 2:00?

Blondesjon's avatar

Please tell me you weren’t texting while you were driving.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Judi I decided this would be a good time for me to actually review the California Drivers Handbook, and I do not see anything about the placement of hands.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Blondesjon- Well, doesn’t it take you two hands to fluther?

Judi's avatar

@YARNLADY ; I haven’t read it in a few years, but Icould have sworn….. Oh well….

YARNLADY's avatar

@Judi they change the handbook every year. The 2009 one is beautifully illustrated and much clearer on the various regulations. It has a beautiful page with all the signs on it, and some great photos to explain how and when to turn, and which lanes to use.

Judi's avatar

no wonder we’re broke.

chyna's avatar

Yarnlady seems very exuberent over the new drivers book.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Judi I had the same idea, it must have cost a fortune

Urban's avatar

it is a ticketable offense to drive without hands on the wheel for even a second. it violates the “what would a reasonable driver consider safe” bit.

it’s in the california vehicle code under another section about safety. the dmv will send you a copy of the vehicle code for what used to be $5, i didn’t order one for 2009 so i don’t know. i’m a giant nerd and drive around with it ;) although, statistically, the chances of a copy being able to identify that your hands are off the wheel in such a short time span is miniscule.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Urban I understood this to mean in addition to hands. You are correct that knees only is very wrong.

Menekali's avatar

I know of no specific laws prohibiting use of your knees, however your hands are required to be on the wheel at all times while operating a motor vehicle. Do with that what you will.

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